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‘10 of the Best’ Announces the Launch of Its Site to Support the Hospitality Industry of Australia

‘10 of The Best’, an emerging search portal in the Hospitality Industry has launched its website to support restaurants, bars and cafes all across Australia. The site talks about the topmost and in-trend restaurants, bars, cafes, venues, sought after parties etc. to enable its users to make an informed choice of eateries and venues before planning their visit.

This Australian brand is not only enlightening its users with intelligent food and event choices but also offers support and encouragement to the small and medium-sized businesses that are struggling to survive and revive their sales amid the epidemic. 

Aforesaid, ‘10 of The Best’ offers a platform to the eatery businesses to showcase their worth, specialities and several business-oriented features like seamless real-time customer interaction, 10 of The Best premium newsletter access, anytime listing access, dashboard and listing performance, inclusion among top 10s and many others to help businesses fight against the pandemic.

Earlier also, the brand had called for a ‘Helping Hand’ campaign to offer complimentary promotional services to eatery businesses to expand their market outreach and has helped hundreds of businesses to keep up with their trade flow.

More information can be found at 


About 10 of The Best:

‘10 of The Best’ is an Australian brand that brings in a list of the top 10’s among the businesses exhibiting innovation, are most popular and in-trend in the Hospitality Industry. The brand came into existence intending to deliver its users an insightful experience of exploring the perks of top places, before planning their visit.  

‘10 of The Best’ is aimed to offer a transparent guide to its users and an unparalleled experience in terms of search results and reviews, thereby simplifying the complex process of searching and exploring a venue for the right occasion.

Notes to editors

For more information please contact:

10 of The Best

Tel: 1300 008 682


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