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Outdoor Surface Painting Celebrate Record Month of Outdoor Surfacing Jobs completed in Greater Manchester

Outdoor Surface Painting, a Greater Manchester based business with many years of experience, is thrilled to announce that they have just completed a record-breaking month of outdoor surfacing jobs in the Greater Manchester area. The team at Outdoor Surface Painting take great pride in their work, and this achievement is a testament to their hard work and commitment to providing top-quality service to their clients.

They offer a range of services to ensure that their clients’ outdoor surfaces are safe, durable, and visually appealing. Outdoor Surface Painting Greater Manchester are a company that specializes in anti-slip colour paint, car park bay painting, and playground painting. The company has completed many snagging jobs for thousands of facilities across Greater Manchester, making them a trusted and reputable business in the area.


“Outdoor Surface Painting did an amazing job on our car park. The bay markings are clear and precise, and the anti-slip paint has made the surface much safer for our customers. We’re delighted with the results!” – David, Manchester

“The team at Outdoor Surface Painting transformed our playground with their vibrant and durable paint. The children love the new look, and we feel confident that the surface is safe and secure.” – Sarah, Bury

“We needed to update our factory floor, and Outdoor Surface Painting provided us with an excellent service. The anti-slip paint they used has made a huge difference in terms of safety, and the new look has really lifted the atmosphere in the workplace.” – John, Salford

At Outdoor Surface Painting, they understand the importance of providing excellent customer service. That’s why they offer a comprehensive service that includes a free, no-obligation quote, expert advice, and a flexible approach to scheduling. They use only the best quality paints and materials, and all of their work is carried out to the highest standards of safety and professionalism.


In conclusion, Outdoor Surface Painting is a business that is committed to providing top-quality services to their clients. Their recent record-breaking month of outdoor surfacing jobs in Greater Manchester is a testament to their hard work and dedication.

With their anti-slip colour paint, car park bay painting, and playground painting services, they offer a comprehensive range of solutions to ensure that their clients’ outdoor surfaces are safe, durable, and visually appealing. If you’re in need of their services, don’t hesitate to contact them for a free quote.

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