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5 ways a real estate consultant can save you time and money – Mike Collins Mortgage Broker

First-time buyer? You must have heard all about the ‘stress of moving house.

Independent financial advisor Mike Collins knows that feeling all too well.

But he’s here to share how a real estate professional can save you time and money by handling every step of the process.

“Of course, there’s the temptation to save the estate agent fees – which are generally around 1-1.5% of your house sale – but there are so many other ways that an agent can conserve your energy,” he says.

“Read on to discover some more reasons to work with an estate agent rather than go it alone.”

First impressions are everything

An estate agent will look around your home and value it on their first call. They may make suggestions as to how you could get a little cash for your house, such as fitting a new bathroom or changing a scratched worktop. They may even advise on a lick of paint to freshen or lighten up a room.

They sell houses every day – so they know what buyers want. Their knowledge could save you a couple of grand that you may have spent on fitting a new bathroom that the new owner rips out within days of their arrival.

Getting the price right

Go it alone and you may value your house too cheaply, resulting in a quick sale but less money than you might have hoped to achieve. Most buyers will use the equity of their home as a deposit against their next home so you want to achieve the highest amount possible for your home.

They will compare your home to others in the area that have sold recently so they have a great idea of what it’s worth, which is essential in today’s fluctuating market.

Even with your own research, you may not find the most up-to-date information and could risk setting a price that’s inaccurate or unrealistic. If you price your house too high, you could turn buyers away before they’re even through the front door.

The finer details

Making sure you have all the correct documentation is key. An estate agent takes the guessing out of the system. They will know all the legal documents required to get your house purchase off the ground.

They can also speak to conveyancing solicitors to help speed up the process and because they’ve handled hundreds of purchases just like yours, they have the experience to get you through without any costly mistakes.

Advertising your home

We’ve all got our social media accounts that we could advertise our own homes for sale on. But how many of your ‘friends’ are going to want to buy your house? They probably live locally anyway or they’re across the country. Your accounts won’t be reaching the right audience.

Estate agents have all the platforms and keep them regularly updated ensuring your home gain maximum exposure. With buyers following and keeping abreast of their websites to get the downlow on the latest home up for sale, you’re bound to get potential viewers through quickly.

Negotiating for a good deal

Your agent will be no stranger to making a good deal.  In addition to navigating sales, real estate consultants know how to deal with every party involved in a deal.

An agent relies on their experience and training to make the right moves during the negotiation. They’ll know which buttons to press and how to dress any concerns.

Article by Mike Collins

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