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How to Get a Free Hair Cut

Have you grown tired of spending so much money on haircuts? If you and your family want great-looking haircuts, there are several ways to get them for free or at a low cost.

Barber Academies and Beauty Schools

A variety of salon services are offered by student salons at barber academies and beauty schools, often at extremely low prices or for free. Due to the nature of the teaching environment, standards tend to be high since students are always under the supervision of a licensed instructor. If a mistake occurs, it is rectified immediately.

Learn what services are offered by the barber training schools in your area, their prices, and what days they are open to the public.

The Barber School of Wales offers students and those looking for a deal in Cardiff the opportunity to get barbershop quality trims at no cost. The haircuts are free because they are performed by student barbers that need hands-on experience.

Work-at-Home Stylists

Many stylists are set up to work from your home or theirs to cut back on the expenses of working in or owning a commercial salon. It is also a popular option for retired stylists who are no longer interested in punching time clocks.

Generally, the prices charged by work-at-home stylists are going to be less than salon stylists, and they will often charge a bulk price when working with an entire family.

Regular appointments with work-at-home stylists also have the benefit of greater flexibility in scheduling and more willing help when you need it.

Online directories, local papers, or word of mouth are good places to find work-at-home stylists.

The Local Barber

If you want to keep your basic hairstyle, a haircut or trim at the local barber is ideal. When it comes to cutting hair, barbers have extensive experience and are highly skilled. The price difference and skill of the barber means that customers are in and out within a short period. The barber also offers affordable services for children.

Coupons and Loyalty Programs

Most barbershops and salons offer discount coupons regularly via their barbershops, newspapers, and e-mail. 

It is also a good idea to sign up for special offers on the barbershop websites so that you will receive coupons and other promotions via email or directly to your phone.

Sites like Groupon and Treatwell offer regular discounts on barbershop services where a customer may save up to 40%.

Modelling Gigs

The salon industry always needs people willing to sit quietly while their hair is styled in whatever style the stylist desires. Salon owners and senior stylists are often asked to demonstrate a new technique to other stylists.

Most barbershops and salons do not pay models for services, and some even charge models for services provided. Therefore, before you agree to model, ask about payment, pricing, and discounts, and find out what the plan is for your hair.

Trading Skills

If you can do something that your friend does, they may be willing to trade barbering services. Skills are being traded more and more these days to save money. There is no harm in asking.

Cut Your Own Hair

You can find how-to videos online or on sites like YouTube for people who want to learn how to cut their hair. There is also a video showing how to give yourself a skin fade.

Work in a Salon

Try a part-time job at your favourite hair salon if you have some extra time on your hands and enjoy having your hair done. You will not only receive discounts on services and products, but you will also be notified of any modelling jobs.

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