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The 10 free spooky hotspots across the UK to enjoy a budget Halloween

Spooky fans looking for a scare are being told of the top 10 haunted locations to visit this Halloween on a budget.

The frugal team at have looked at the places ghost hunters can visit for free this spooky season.

Among the creepy gems are Pendle Hill in Lancashire, the village of Pluckley in Kent and Bodmin Moor in Cornwall.

Other spooky destinations to explore include Wistman’s Wood in Dartmoor, Cannock Chase in Birmingham and Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh.

Frugal expert Rebecca Bebbington said: “ We love Halloween but if you’re on a budget finding a haunted destination to explore without spending a fortune can be tricky.

“We’ve come up with ten haunted hotspots to explore without spending a fortune and ones with some great creepy tales to tell.

“Just remember not to scare yourself too – and sleep with the light on!”

Here are’s ten haunted hotspots on a budget:

  1. Pendle Hill, Lancashire

Pendle Hill is home to the Pendle Witches. They were tried and executed for witchcraft in 1612. Ghost hunters often climb the hill around Halloween to catch any spooking comings and goings.

  1. Pluckley, Kent

Pluckley is one of the most haunted villages in the UK. Between 12 – 14 ghosts are thought to haunt the village including the screaming man, the highwayman, the elderly woman and the school master. Look out for the highway man who appears as a shadowy figure and the schoolmaster who can be seen in his favourite old coat and stripy trousers.

  1. Blickling Hall, Norfolk

The spooky hall is thought to be haunted by the headless ghost of Anne Boleyn who returns on the anniversary of her execution every May. Roam the grounds and nearby villages and you may spot the ghost of her father, Sir Thomas.

  1. Manningtree, Essex

Witchfinder General Matthew Hopkins lived in Manningtree in the 1600s. His witch hunting led to the deaths of hundreds of women in East Anglia’s witch trials. There have been sightings in the neighbouring village of Mistley next to the pond where he drowned innocent people.

  1. Mary King’s Close, Edinburgh

Mary King’s Close is thought to be one of the most haunted places in Scotland. During the plague in 1645, it’s believed half of Edinburgh’s residents died. The disease was bad in the close due to the poor sanitation and cramped tenements. The most famous ghost to haunt the area is a ten year old called Annie who died during the epidemic.

  1. Wistman’s Wood, Dartmoor

According to legend, Wistman’s Wood was a sacred grove of the Druid’s where they held pagan rituals. It’s also said to be where the Wisht Hounds are kept. These are fearful hounds who hunt the moor at night in search of lost souls and unwary travellers.

  1. The Ten Bells, London

This is Jack the Ripper’s local pub and two of his victims are linked to it. Annie Chapman spent her last evening there before her murder in 1888 and Mary Kelly was outside the pub. It’s claimed the place is haunted by Annie Chapman.

  1. Glencoe National Reserve, Scotland

Glencoe is home to the Glencoe Massacre of 1692. The story goes that a troop of soldiers, following government orders, were invited to the home of the Clan of Macdonald posing as visitors. During the night they slit the throats of their hosts. Legend says some members of the clan fled to the wood where they still remain.

  1. Cannock Chase, Birmingham

This spooky woodland is said to be haunted by a girl with coal black holes for eye sockets. Sightings describe a young girl crying but when those who see her approach the eerie figure, she turns to show her eyes then runs away.

  1. Bodmin Moor, Cornwall

Bodmin Moor is packed with creepy myths and legends. The Beast of Bodmin Moor, a big panther-like cat, has been seen numerous times and is said to scavenge livestock during the night.

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