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election in US

2020 Elections, Will Biden Outclass Trump: An ongoing viral debate “Are Russia and Iran exploiting election”

     2020 has been a memorable year but with negative memories in every aspect. It started from coronavirus to bushfire in Australia and the bomb in Beirut, the city of Lebanon, and many more dreadful events in 2020.

        With all those unfortunate events, 2020 comes out to be the United States of America Presidential elections year. In these Elections, Trump is going to compete with Biden.

          Various lobbies support Biden, and other halls are supporting trump to be the next president of America’s united states.

 Joseph Robinette Biden served as a Vice President during the Obama tenure from 2009 to 2017. he is from the Republican party competing with  Donald Trump.

Iran and Russain Lobbies:

Iran and Russia are countries that deserve most to be taken into consideration. One of them is the strongest competitor. The other is one of the biggest enemies due to sanctions on them and attacks on their military general by America.

           The Iranians are Anti Trump, and Russians are Pro trump.

 It should be duly noted that Irans are campaigning to exploit people’s minds and try to turn them anti-trump.

 A study shows that both Countries Iran and Russia have hired some State-Sponsored actors and are trying to convert people’s minds based on web-based posts.

       A famous Research from the University of Alabama in Birmingham and collaboration of various other universities make us understand what the Governments are trying to.

 This research constitutes of analyzing ten million posts by five thousand Reddit and five thousand Twitter users. The results were quite astonishing that these users were involved in state-sponsored trolls that were either from Russia or they were from Iran. These trolls were just sponsored to change people’s opinions and convert their likeliness to their hate.

         The report goes on to detail and tells that they have studies both Iranian and Russian trolls. The report data shows Russian trolls are more effective due to their URLs and Twitter data changing the opinion. While both countries are spreading miss information, the Russians are taking the edge.

         Since a week remaining in the election, both parties are busy finalizing the election’s preparations. May the best candidate wins.

What do Polls say :

       Before the election, different predictions are made based on judgments and expected people’s choices to win the election. According to the  Newyork time, a poll was conducted, which says that Biden won the election by a very close margin. According to the New York Times Pole, Biden is on 49 percent while trump is 43 percent.

        The new Trump Election Campaign website was also hacked by unknown hackers, which will deffinately affect his campaign. The message written in the heading is “This Website was seized”. Tim Murtagh, who is the spokesperson of the trump campaign, stated that we have talked of the officails that we are finding the hack source.

     2020 has been a memorable year but with negative memories in every aspect. It started from coronavirus to bushfire in Australia and the bomb in Beirut, the city of Lebanon, and many more dreadful events in 2020.

        With all those unfortunate events, 2020 comes out to be the United States of America Presidential elections year. In these Elections, Trump is going to compete with Biden.

          Various lobbies support Biden, and other halls are supporting trump to be the next president of America’s united states.

 Joseph Robinette Biden served as a Vice President during the Obama tenure from 2009 to 2017. he is from the Republican party competing with  Donald Trump.

Iran and Russain Lobbies:

Iran and Russia are countries that deserve most to be taken into consideration. One of them is the strongest competitor. The other is one of the biggest enemies due to sanctions on them and attacks on their military general by America.

           The Iranians are Anti Trump, and Russians are Pro trump.

 It should be duly noted that Irans are campaigning to exploit people’s minds and try to turn them anti-trump.

 A study shows that both Countries Iran and Russia have hired some State-Sponsored actors and are trying to convert people’s minds based on web-based posts.

       A famous Research from the University of Alabama in Birmingham and collaboration of various other universities make us understand what the Governments are trying to.

 This research constitutes of analyzing ten million posts by five thousand Reddit and five thousand Twitter users. The results were quite astonishing that these users were involved in state-sponsored trolls that were either from Russia or they were from Iran. These trolls were just sponsored to change people’s opinions and convert their likeliness to their hate.

         The report goes on to detail and tells that they have studies both Iranian and Russian trolls. The report data shows Russian trolls are more effective due to their URLs and Twitter data changing the opinion. While both countries are spreading miss information, the Russians are taking the edge.

         Since a week remaining in the election, both parties are busy finalizing the election’s preparations. May the best candidate wins.

What do Polls say :

       Before the election, different predictions are made based on judgments and expected people’s choices to win the election. According to the  Newyork time, a poll was conducted, which says that Biden won the election by a very close margin. According to the New York Times Pole, Biden is on 49 percent while trump is 43 percent.

        The new Trump Election Campaign website was also hacked by unknown hackers, which will deffinately affect his campaign. The message written in the heading is “This Website was seized”. Tim Murtagh, who is the spokesperson of the trump campaign, stated that we have talked of the officails that we are finding the hack source.

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