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5 News Coming To WhatsApp In The Coming Months

2021 has been the year of changes for WhatsApp and two examples of this have been the multi-device function or selecting the speed of the audios to be able to listen to them. After the fall that was suffered this Monday worldwide, some users migrated to other instant messaging applications to avoid possible problems in the future.

WhatsApp is working on the possibility of transcribing the audios to text.
However, WhatsApp is preparing new updates so that those people who had started using other apps return to their origins, therefore, in the coming months there will be new functions that will change the way they interact. From 20BITS we want to give you a preview of the services that are coming.

You can make a transcription of the audios
This function is still in development and its launch in the beta version of the application is still unknown , but I imagine that you can use the transcription in those moments that you cannot listen to an audio because you are in class or in the office, so it will be easier to know what are they telling you.

Report spam
Surely it has been the case that you have been sent an unwanted message and for now you can only block the user to not receive more notifications from him. If everything goes according to plan, there will be the possibility of reporting a chat .

Emojis to react to chats
We have already made related news about the launch of emoji reactions to messages. With this service you can insert an emoticon to reply to your friend through a heart, a laugh, an angry face, a smile or with the classic likes or dislikes.

Listen to videos without volume
The application is working on a function that consists of changing the playback of the videos, that is, you can change the settings so that they play without sound even if you have the volume turned on .

Another way to connect the multi-device function
Until recently you could only use WhatsApp on a single mobile and at most you could have WhatsApp Web turned on on your computer under the great condition that it must be connected to the main device. The update will bring that this service can be used offline, although at the moment it does not have a launch date.

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