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TrueHLTH Files Provisional Patent for Predictive AI Systems to Enhance Chronic Disease Management

TrueHLTH, a patient advocacy and healthcare navigation company, has announced the filing of a provisional patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The patent application is centered around TrueHLTH’s innovative platform aimed at supporting individuals with chronic conditions and their caregivers. The platform operates continuously, providing 24/7 assistance in identifying and addressing personal challenges related to seeking proactive care intervention.

TrueHLTH was established to bridge the existing gap in the healthcare system for those dealing with chronic diseases. Co-founder and CEO, Scott Genone, a respected leader in healthcare technology with three decades of experience, understands this gap firsthand. Through his own journey with Crohn’s Disease and the challenges faced by his oldest son, Mr. Genone recognizes the complexities of care delivery in the United States.

“Our approach is built on earning patient trust through unparalleled advocacy, which leads to patient activation and engagement with our platform. Active engagement allows for continuous data capture, empowering our AI system to anticipate challenges and proactively seek appropriate interventions to help patients maintain wellness,” explains Mr. Genone.

TrueHLTH operates as a mission-based organization, prioritizing the perspective of patients and their caregivers when addressing the problems that need to be solved in healthcare.

For more information, please visit: TrueHLTH’s website

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