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Filip Boksa and His Sacrifices Behind Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Making right decisions is one of the hardest parts of being an entrepreneur. As a businessperson, one has to be logical and have an analytical mind to be able to understand the market better and crack deals that would benefit one’s business. There are many who don’t wish to settle for a job but start their own business to chase their own dreams rather than help others to achieve theirs. Being your own boss is what drives people to embark on the journey of entrepreneurship, which is indeed full of challenges and uncertainties. However, those who pass the test become successful entrepreneurs, and one of those is Filip Boksa, the founder of BookingKoala and King of Maids.

As a young kid, Boksa was a hustler who would not fear stepping out of his comfort zone. He intelligently managed his studies while also helping his father in their carpeting business. But this was not something Boksa truly enjoyed doing, so he started brainstorming and came up with a startup idea with one of his friends. He decided to name it King of Maids, a cleaning service in Chicago which they started with a combined investment of $6000.  The business garnered $5,000,000 in a matter of three years when Boksa was just a 23-year-old.

His success made him take the plunge and drop out of college to become a full-time entrepreneur. It gave Filip enough time to think about new business ideas, and this is when he came up with the idea of launching BookingKoala, a platform that is today home to thousands of entrepreneurs. His only mission is to make BookingKoala a unicorn, and that too without the help of any outside investors. It is noteworthy to mention that his enterprise is a bootstrapped initiative that Filip has been able to establish with his audacious demeanor.

It is a common saying that we ought to let go of something to achieve something in life. And Filip was no different. Like all of us, he used to spend some time on leisurely activities, one of which was traveling. However, his past success and the zeal to achieve more in life made him forgo all fun, which included his yearly travel and personal relationships. “When you’re serious about your goals, you don’t want anything to stand in the way of them. I knew that starting a brand new relationship would require a lot of work, and I wasn’t ready to have a relationship and grow a business simultaneously”, says Filip. It was only after achieving considerable success that Filip got back to his girlfriend, whom he married at the age of 28. Today, his wife, Greta Boksa, runs King of Maids, which has surpassed $10,000,000 in revenue.

Today, Boksa is quite proud and happy that he was able to make certain sacrifices that brought him this far in life. On that note, he says, “When you look back at my journey as an entrepreneur, I took one vacation from when I was 19 until I turned 26. I did that because I worked 24/7, and I saved as much money as possible to fund all my ideas and business ventures.”

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