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Security Company Introduces Specialized Service to Enhance Protection

A prominent cybersecurity firm, playing a crucial role in safeguarding the most sensitive assets, individuals, and data in the UK, has announced the expansion of its services. Advent IM, with over two decades of experience in handling security projects for various government departments, is now extending its offerings to existing government and defense clients while also venturing into the private sector.

To assist its clients in managing or supporting security projects that are sensitive or lack resources, the company has launched Advent IM Outsource. This new service aims to connect clients with highly skilled and experienced cybersecurity professionals. The intent is to address a prevalent issue highlighted by research conducted by recruitment agency Barclay Simpson, revealing that 85% of employers rely on contract or temporary resources to strengthen their cybersecurity departments. However, 70% of these employers feel that the qualifications and experience of these resources fall short of the requirements for their projects.

Mike Gillespie, Managing Director of Advent IM, explained, “The new Advent IM Outsourcing service capitalizes on our 20 years of consultancy experience, which has earned the trust of our customers. It allows us to address the widely discussed skills gap. By deploying competent individuals with proven skill sets, we can efficiently fill the voids in an organization’s security framework, while ensuring excellent oversight and people management capabilities.”

Advent IM Outsource has developed a comprehensive service that provides customers with either individual experts or entire project teams for specified durations. The company’s senior security consultants oversee all aspects of recruitment, including interviews, vetting support and confirmation, as well as onboarding and offboarding processes. By streamlining these tasks, Advent IM simplifies an otherwise burdensome process, resulting in a single contact and contract arrangement.

The company will draw upon its extensive network of reliable and experienced associates to create teams or provide short-term resources, addressing specific skillset requirements. Advent IM Outsource can assist clients in filling various roles, such as security architects, risk assessors, policy writers, system assurers, product security analysts, and IT project managers.

Advent IM Outsource guarantees that each project benefits from the expertise of senior security personnel, with a dedicated contact managing all aspects, including issue escalation and project completion. If necessary, the company can also provide project management services. Mr. Gillespie added, “This approach ensures our clients have confidence that the skills and qualifications required for their projects are in place. By adopting this comprehensive approach, key projects can progress smoothly, providing reassurance to all stakeholders regarding project safety and stability.”

In addition to offering this new service to their existing clients in the Ministry of Defense and central government, Advent IM Outsource is extending its reach to a wider range of organizations that possess valuable information assets, new security projects, or stalled initiatives that can benefit from the company’s expertise, knowledge, and skilled personnel in the cybersecurity sector. This includes telecommunications companies, healthcare organizations, banking and finance institutions, transportation companies, and various government departments.

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