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Roveel Joins Sage Business Cloud Marketplace, Revolutionizing Reporting for Small Businesses

Roveel, the leading cloud-based reporting software company, has unveiled its integration with Sage Accounting (Sage Business Cloud Accounting), providing small and medium businesses (SMBs) with enhanced data analysis capabilities. The reporting tool, now available through the Sage Business Cloud Marketplace, harnesses the wealth of data stored in a company’s accounting system, enabling smarter decision-making through valuable insights.

Established in 2014, Roveel empowers business owners, directors, management, and staff across the UK and Ireland to streamline day-to-day administrative tasks and reduce reliance on endless Excel reports. Leveraging its drill-down functionality, data visualizations, and a collection of pre-built business dashboards, Roveel enables users to delve deeper into their data. Additionally, the comprehensive marketplace offers a wide range of additional dashboards to cater to various business needs.

By transforming Sage Accounting and Sage 50cloud data into intuitive web-based dashboards and reports, Roveel provides an extensive library of easy-to-use dashboards that cover areas such as sales, finance, credit control, purchasing, and stock management. Customers can effortlessly manage budgets, cash flow, and profitability with these powerful tools at their disposal.

Karim Hassan, Global Tech Partner Manager at Sage, expressed the importance of offering intuitive solutions to ease the burden on SMBs. He stated, “SMBs have a lot to juggle, so it’s important to offer solutions that are going to make their lives easier by managing data intuitively. Following a successful partnership on Sage 50 Cloud, this new integration will provide customers with further access to a granular level of detail and enable better strategic insight over their business.”

Mark Donaldson, the founder of Roveel and a former practice accountant, emphasized the company’s commitment to improving the quality of information available to SMBs for making informed business decisions. He expressed excitement about the listing on the Sage Marketplace and the partnership with Sage to expand Roveel’s reach. Donaldson added, “Since launching our product, we have enjoyed working closely with Sage and their customers, and this latest integration is in response to customer demand for our service. 2023 has already brought many exciting new features, and this integration is just the beginning of what is to come later this year. We are thrilled about how this integration can support customers seeking a deeper understanding of their business data.”

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