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TELF AG Forms Strategic Alliance with Carbon Chain to Accelerate Climate Action

TELF AG, a prominent physical commodities trader based in Lugano, Switzerland, is excited to announce its strategic partnership with Carbon Chain, a trailblazer in supply chain emissions tracking. This collaboration signifies a proactive step towards advancing TELF AG’s commitment to climate action and sustainability.

As part of this partnership, TELF AG will leverage Carbon Chain’s cutting-edge carbon accounting software, renowned for its accuracy and effectiveness, to monitor and quantify the carbon footprint associated with TELF AG’s operations. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of its emissions profile, TELF AG will be empowered to identify opportunities for mitigating its environmental impact and driving positive change.

Nikolay Litvinenko, CEO of TELF AG, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, “We are delighted to join forces with Carbon Chain to accelerate our climate action efforts. Their software is unrivalled in the industry, enabling precise tracking of supply chain emissions. We firmly believe that this partnership will play a pivotal role in helping us achieve our ambitious net-zero goals.”

The alliance between TELF AG and Carbon Chain underscores the significance of carbon accounting and collaborative efforts in combatting the global climate crisis. Through their joint commitment to monitoring TELF AG’s carbon footprint, both entities aspire to make tangible advancements towards a more sustainable future.

Adam Hearne, CEO of Carbon Chain, highlighted the importance of addressing Scope 3 emissions for commodities traders like TELF AG, which represent the most substantial climate-related risks and opportunities. He stated, “As the world transitions to a net-zero economy, we are pleased that TELF AG has chosen the Carbon Chain platform to comprehensively understand and tackle the carbon footprint associated with its supply chains, encompassing every stage from source to shipment to product use.”

For further information about TELF AG, please visit or contact:

TELF AG Press Office
Lugano, Switzerland

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