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Hubject’s Global EV Charging Network Expands with ZES and electrip Partnership

In a significant development for the EV charging industry, ZES and electrip, initiatives under Electrip Global Ltd, have joined forces with Hubject, the leading global EV charging network provider, to elevate e-roaming services.

Demonstrating a commitment to enhancing the electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, ZES, Turkey’s pioneering charge point operator, and electrip, a fresh face in the European CPO market, have entered into a strategic partnership with Hubject, the foremost authority in global EV charging networks. The collaboration, which was formalized on 21st March by İ. Sinan Ak, CEO of Electrip Global Ltd, and Christian Hahn, CEO of Hubject, aims to incorporate approximately 4000 ZES stations in Turkey and electrip’s expanding network in several European nations into Hubject’s extensive e-roaming network. This integration is anticipated to offer EV drivers a more cohesive and accessible charging experience, connecting them with a wide array of e-mobility service providers throughout Europe.

Reflecting on the collaboration, İ. Sinan Ak, CEO of Electrip Global Ltd, remarked: “We launched ZES in 2018 to support electric vehicle owners in Turkey with our intra and intercity charging stations, and recently introduced “electrip” in Europe to speed up the electric vehicle revolution. As state-of-the-art brands, we are glad to sign this valuable partnership with Hubject. This collaboration will help us to make electric vehicles more accessible and usable throughout Turkey and European countries. This is an essential part of our overall plan to reduce carbon emissions and protect our planet with our contribution to the expansion of e-mobility ecosystem.”

Christian Hahn, CEO of Hubject, also welcomed the partnership: “We’re happy to welcome ZES and electrip into the inter-charge CPO network. This partnership will help them to strengthen their infrastructure in the countries where they operate. It means thousands of EV drivers will be able to easily find and use ZES and electrip charging stations and others that are part of Hubject’s e-roaming network, which in turn is a big step in the right direction of encouraging drivers to switch to electric.”

This partnership represents a vital step in the ongoing efforts to enhance the EV charging network, ensuring greater accessibility and convenience for electric vehicle users across Europe.

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