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Libby’s Gluten-Free Bakery Receives Coveted Gold Award for Outstanding Bread

Libby’s, an emerging gluten-free bakery known for its delectable baked goods, is delighted to announce that it has been honored with the esteemed Gold Award for Best Bread at the highly regarded Free From Food Awards 2023. This recognition specifically celebrates Libby’s exceptional ‘Seeded Sourdough’.

The judging panel remarked, “It is truly impressive for a gluten-free sourdough bread to exhibit such remarkable quality. The texture is excellent, and the sourness is perfectly balanced.”

Under the guidance of Keri Moss, former winner of Professional MasterChef, our dedicated team has relentlessly worked towards developing gluten-free products that not only exceed taste expectations but also meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

“We are absolutely thrilled and deeply grateful to be bestowed with the Free From Food Award for Best Bread in our very first attempt,” expressed Simon Wolanski, the Founder of Libby’s.

“This prestigious accolade is a testament to the unwavering dedication and passion of our entire team, who have invested countless hours in pushing boundaries, fostering innovation, and infusing every creation with a genuine desire to improve the lives of our customers through gluten-free bread and pastries,” he added.

In addition to the Gold Award, Libby’s also received the Silver Award for its delectable ‘Say Cheese’ gluten-free pizza and was recognized as the runner-up in the ‘Start-Up of the Year’ category.

For more information about Libby’s and to explore our award-winning gluten-free product range, kindly visit or get in touch with Simon Wolanski at

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