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Write the Way for Wobbling Warriors in Physics-Based RTS Toy Tactics Today on Steam

SHERMAN OAKS, Cali. – Mar. 17, 2023 – Toy Tactics, a family-friendly, physics-based RTS encompassing the history of warfare from developer Kraken Empire and publisher Joystick Ventures, creates a canvas of combat on PCs via Steam Early Access today.

Embrace creativity as both an artist and troop commander. Strategically sketch star, circle, or heart-shaped unit formations to turn the tide of battle, but any shape imaginable is viable.  Relive childlike bliss through tactical planning, toppling tons of mass-produced rival toy armies. Charge into battle with either the Imperium, Pendragon, or Kyoukai armies, each with their own special powers based on their real-world counterparts.

Under the guidance of renowned military general Sun Tzu, follow his words from The Art of War to restore the balance of Erebus, an afterlife for warriors beyond time and space. Fight against eight tough toy types and find ancient Artifacts granting special passive abilities. 

Unleash summoning spells varying from healing units back from the brink of death, to raining down Jenga-like cinder block walls. Watch plastic pieces of each enemy bounce across the sandbox in silly slapstick fashion to reminisce of the good ol’ days on the playground.

“Die-hard RTS fans and first-time families are all welcome to draw toward victory in Toy Tactics,” said Ivan Carrillo, Managing Partner for Joystick Ventures. “Everyone on the team remembers their first RTS game. We’ve created something special for others to easily join in as well, while maintaining a high skill ceiling to keep them coming back. Painting privateers, your time is now!”

Toy Tactics is available now on PCs via Steam Early Access with English and Spanish language support. To learn more, visit Toy Tactics‘ official website, join the community on TwitterTikTok, and Discord, and search #ToyTactics on social media.

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