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Revolutionary Collaborations by Hedgehog Security Set to Transform Client Service

Hedgehog Security, a prominent provider of Managed Security Services (MSS), has announced two strategic partnerships that will revolutionise its client service offerings.

Renowned cybersecurity firms Wazuh and Fortinet have joined forces with Hedgehog Security, bolstering the company’s ability to deliver exceptional cybersecurity services and protect businesses against evolving threats.

With over 15 years of experience, Hedgehog Security specialises in providing managed Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) as well as round-the-clock Security Operations Centre (SOC) services to clients worldwide. As a dedicated MSS provider, Hedgehog Security is committed to delivering comprehensive and affordable cybersecurity solutions to companies in the legal, financial services, and maritime sectors.

CEO Peter Bassill emphasised that the collaborations with these trusted and established cybersecurity partners guarantee the highest level of service for their clients. By tapping into the unique strengths of each company, Hedgehog Security offers a seamless and unified service under a single umbrella.

Wazuh brings its cutting-edge SIEM and Extended Detection and Response (XDR) service to Hedgehog Security’s SOC, empowering them to monitor threats and attacks across multiple clients. This collaboration enables Hedgehog Security to identify attack correlations and enhance network defense.

Through the partnership with Fortinet, Hedgehog Security gains access to flexible and scalable offerings, allowing them to provide managed firewalls tailored to smaller SOC-as-a-Service clients. This expanded capability further strengthens Hedgehog Security’s comprehensive protection, ensuring secure networks and safeguarding against malicious activities.

Peter Bassill expressed that the collaborations with Wazuh and Fortinet mark a significant milestone for Hedgehog Security. He highlighted the importance of offering clients a complete cybersecurity package, as many businesses approach them without having proper firewalls in place. With these partnerships, Hedgehog Security can now deliver a fully comprehensive service, addressing all cybersecurity needs under one trusted team.

Combining Wazuh’s state-of-the-art SIEM and XDR service with Fortinet’s industry-leading firewall solutions equips Hedgehog Security to proactively defend clients’ businesses against cyber threats. This enables clients to focus on their core operations with peace of mind.

Hedgehog Security’s clientele encompasses a diverse range of businesses, including law firms, financial institutions, and organisations handling highly sensitive data. The company also caters to high-profile executives conducting business on super yachts, relying on Hedgehog Security’s satellite communication access to ensure the protection of sensitive information at sea.

Through these strategic collaborations, Hedgehog Security aims to revolutionise the approach to cybersecurity. By leveraging the expertise and advanced technologies of Wazuh and Fortinet, Hedgehog Security will continue to deliver unparalleled cybersecurity services, ensuring businesses remain resilient in the face of ever-evolving cyber threats.

For more information about Hedgehog Security and their cybersecurity services, please visit their website at

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