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Revolutionary AI Technology to Increase Cancer Survival Rates Unveiled at Global Conference

A leading UK doctor, Dr Bea Bakshi, is set to reveal groundbreaking research at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference in Chicago, showcasing a revolutionary cancer detection system powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The system, called C the Signs, has transformed early cancer diagnosis and is expected to significantly improve survival rates.

Dr Bakshi, who is the co-founder and CEO of C the Signs, will present the results of a groundbreaking study that demonstrates how AI technology can detect cancer in its early stages, leading to better treatment outcomes and increased chances of survival. The study, which involved 118,677 patients, highlighted the system’s accuracy in detecting cancer during risk assessments and identifying the origin of the cancer, facilitating appropriate treatment plans.

“The results of our investigations using AI technology in a real-world setting are extremely exciting,” stated Dr Bakshi. “This study, with over 100,000 patients, produced phenomenal results. As the system continues to evolve and gain more data, it will become even more sensitive, accurate, and effective. We have additional unpublished data that shows even better outcomes, which we will disclose soon. We are creating a future where every patient can survive cancer using this AI prediction technology. This is the most intelligent way to beat cancer.”

The study revealed that out of the 118,677 patients assessed by C the Signs, 7,295 were diagnosed with cancer. Impressively, the system accurately identified 7,056 of these patients as being at risk of cancer, demonstrating a sensitivity of 96.7%. The system’s negative predictive value, indicating its ability to rule out cancer, was 97.2%. Additionally, when examining the patients diagnosed with cancer, C the Signs correctly identified the cancer origin in 85.6% of cases.

C the Signs has already gained significant traction in the UK, with over 1,000 primary care practices and 15,000 healthcare professionals utilizing the platform. The system has now expanded to the US, where partnerships with American health systems are being established.

This research presentation aligns with the Cancer Moonshot initiative, now named CancerX, which aims to reduce cancer mortality rates. C the Signs is one of the founding members of CancerX, a public-private partnership that seeks to drive advancements in cancer research and treatment. Dr Bakshi firmly believes that C the Signs’ AI technology will play a crucial role in achieving the ambitious goal of reducing cancer deaths by 50% by 2040.

The ASCO conference serves as a platform for unveiling this groundbreaking study, offering hope for improved cancer detection and survival rates. The results of the study can be found on the ASCO website:

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