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A Hiking Guide: England’s Most Popular River Walk Locations

With the world being left no choice but to spend more time outside with our loved ones in 2020, walking is a newfound hobby for many of us. Whether you’re a regular walker or new to the activity, walking is something that the whole family can enjoy whatever the weather.

With this said, there are different types of hikes you can go on depending on what scenery you prefer to be surrounded by. For those that love to be engulfed by nature and the calming sounds of running water, river walks are perfect for you. If you’re in need of some river walk inspiration, we have collected data to find what England’s most popular river walk locations are.

Let’s take a look.

1. Kent

Accounting for an average of 260 searches per month between 1st November 2018 and 31st October 2020, ‘Kent river walks’ are a popular choice of walking trail for many.

As for specific trails that are a hit with hikers, the Sandwich and Pegwell Bay situated at the mouth of the River Stour is a stunning National Nature Reserve that is home to a variety of birds, from dunlins to sanderlings to peregrine falcons and several more.

If you’re looking for a more challenging river walk, the Darent Valley River Path, located near Sevenoaks, is a 19-mile trail that is engulfed by nature. The trail includes hills, fields, villages, and historical sites including the Roman villas.

2. London

Averaging at 260 searches per month between 1st November 2018 and 31st October 2020, ‘London river walks’ are bursting with a variety of riverside walks to try.

If you have a keen interest in art, the Queen Elizabeth Olympic park route situated near the Waterworks River and the venue for the 2012 Olympics is a sight worth seeing. Not only that, but the park is renowned for being home to various artwork, including Keith Wilson’s vibrant posts that stick out of the river.

For a London river walk with a more classic feel, South Bank is the ideal place for an evening stroll. Although busy during the day, this 1.5 mile stretch of illuminated sights along the Thames is perfect for a cosy, atmospheric night-time walk.

3. Hampshire

Situated in the South East of England, ‘Hampshire river walks’ accounted for an average of 210 monthly searches between the date range mentioned above.

Hampshire is swarmed with an abundance of gorgeous and peaceful rivers to explore. For a smaller river walk, the Hamble, the Meon, and the Avon are perfect locations. On the other hand, the Test and the Itchen rivers are the greater water walks adventurers will adore.

4. Surrey

Google search results reveal that Surrey is also a popular choice of river walk, with the term ‘Surrey river walks’ accounting for an average search volume of 140 per month within the date range given.

The River Wey in Guildford is the perfect trail for those situated in numerous locations. There are starting points for this scenic trail in places such as the Anchor, Wisley Lane, or the Millbrook car park.

Other than the River Wey, be sure to check out the Basingstoke Canal too and enjoy the sites of St John’s and Knaphill villages.

5. Dorset

Accounting for an average of 110 monthly searches within the date range given, ‘Dorset River walks’ are a popular go-to for the nation’s hiking fans.

Bursting with a splendid array of wildlife and aquatic plant species, the Moors river has a natural and sluggish-style river course due to the geological changes it has encountered. As for the Stour, this is renowned for being Dorset’s longest river that is recognised for its slow-paced flow, as well as being home to the largest population of threatened native white-clawed crayfish.

River walks you need to discover

Other than the most popular river walks, why not discover the most secluded walks too? Despite Northumberland being the hotspot for grand architecture and picturesque landscapes, data reveals that ‘Northumberland river walks’ aren’t so well-known – accounting for just 10 searches between 01 November 2018–31 October 2020.

With COVID-19 forcing us to stay away from people as much as possible, it’s the ideal time to discover these not-so-spotlighted treks. So, get your hiking boots ready, your roadmap to Northumberland at hand, and soon you might be able to book a night away in a cosy Alnwick accommodation to grasp a true feel for the countryside.

Finding exciting new ways to make the most of our time outdoors is not always easy. Rather than sticking to your everyday trek around the village, change things up and try a new walk in a different location.


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