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Time to get an amazing Michael D. Higgins T-Shirt for Paddy’s Day!

With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, Irish travel site Ireland Before You Die launches a t-shirt featuring one of Ireland’s favourite men. The Michael D. Higgins t-shirt couldn’t have come at a better time, the t-shirt includes three images of the man himself and, of course, his beloved hounds.

Ireland Before You Die – Ireland’s biggest independent travel site

At Ireland Before You Die, they showcase all things Ireland in the form of bucket list activities, thoughtful itineraries for counties and cities, advice and information about visiting the Emerald Isle, and so much more.

With a shop full of cracking Irish merchandise already at hand, they’re now launching fresh new merch in the form of t-shirts, prints, travel books, and more. There is something for everyone among them, from humour and hilarity to routes and maps; they’ll make the perfect gift for a loved one or for a special treat.

First up on the launch list is a t-shirt featuring one of the only people that everyone in Ireland can agree to love – Michael D. Higgins.

Michael D. Higgins T-Shirt launch − the Irishman we love to love

There are many divisive figures in Ireland and Irish history, but Ireland’s president Michael D. Higgins certainly isn’t one of them. He is a poet, a dog lover, an activist, and so much more, and for that, the people of Ireland and beyond adore him.

The Michael D. Higgins t-shirt features three images of the main man, along with his beloved and trusty hounds. With Paddy’s Day now less than a month away, this could be the perfect t-shirt to rock on one of the best days of the year, no matter where customers are in the world.

The Ireland Before You Die shop has plenty of fantastic merchandise to choose from. As well as the Michael D. Higgins t-shirts, the have an abundance of other t-shirts featuring the Wild Atlantic Way, The Cliffs of Moher, and many other iconic sites around the Emerald Isle.

Plus, there are a number of prints and mugs to bring a little piece of Ireland home or travel books to inspire and direct travellers on their adventure around Ireland.

To get a Michael D. Higgins t-shirt, head over to the Ireland Before You Die shop here

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