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police men

According to family, Wallace was shot by police because they were not trained

Footage which is trapped in the camera shows that he went out of his house; he has a knife in his hand. It is said on Thursday by the lawyer of the man family that the relatives shout and speak to the officer that he is mentally unstable.

The lawyer of the boy’s family Shaka Johnson said that everyone could see in the footage that the two police officers fired at him.

To the reporters at a news conference outside to Philadelphia City Hall Johnson said that he could understand that the boy has a knife in his hand.

But what was the reason for firing at him, as we know that the fire could cause death? So they have the intention of dying him by a fire.

The lawyer Shaka Johnson said that the family of the boy does not want to charge the police with the murder. As the officer who did that is not yet publicly identified.

The lawyer said that they did that because they were not adequately trained. And the police officers were not provided with the right equipment to continue their job as the police officer.

The lawyer of the boy family said that we could say that how the police officer starts to panic. He said that these police officers were only told to open fire at any time. A piece of news which is released on the late Thursday in the mayor’s office said by the end of the next was the audio.

The City Council voted that the tear gas should be blocked to be used by the police. They also said that the use of rubber bullets and pepper spray should also be inhibited.

They said that they are protesting peacefully; therefore, they must allow continuing their protest peacefully. They are doing that for their rights. They are protesting near a highway overpass, by the use of rubber bullet and spray majority of protestor injured.

Council Member Helen Gym said that it hurts the majority of people. After the death Wallace, who was a black by race, on Wednesday night mayor had been locked down the city with an overnight curfew.

The lawyer of the boy family said that within just 30 seconds into the encounter, the death of Wallace occurs. For medical services, the family had called on Monday. He said that the boy was a blast with fourteen bullets during the encounter.

According to the police officers, Wallace does not obey the order of dropping the knife; that’s why the two officers fired at them. Johnson said that the mother and the wife of Wallace shouted to police by saying that the boy has the mental issue, so do not call at him.

Many other cities of the United States have debated adopting a similar measure to inhibit the use of rubber bullets and chemical sprays against the protestors.

Paul Hetznecker, the Smiths lawyer, said that this incident happened five days before the election time.

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