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Low-code Technology Is The Future Of Innovation And Competition, Says This Tech Expert

Technology today has made the world more fast-paced than ever before and is incorporated in nearly every aspect of our lives. However, the technology used by developers is often outdated for what is out there, leaving them stuck doing mundane and time-consuming tasks that prevents them from realizing their potential as innovators.

Low-code AI tech development offers a solution to this problem, empowering developers to focus on big-picture ideas and new advancements. By cutting down development costs and time, low-code enables businesses to stay ahead of the game and perform at their best in innovative ways. This technology allows companies to be tech-forward, pushing them ahead of the competition.

According to Brian Sathianathan, CTO, and co-founder of, low-code is crucial for businesses looking to save money and stay ahead of the curve. By leveraging low-code solutions, organizations can realize significant cost savings and drive innovation, paving the way for a more efficient and tech-savvy future.

“It is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the game. Low-code allows companies to save money by cutting down development costs and time. It also allows companies to perform at their best in innovative ways, pushing them ahead of competition and allowing them to be tech-forward.” states Brian Sathianathan. as a low-code platform is an excellent example of this – they enable businesses to focus on innovation, rather than spending long hours doing repetitive tasks. Their Interplay solution is a drag-and-drop, low-code AI environment where innovation apps can be rapidly developed and commercialized through modularized, pre-built components – then pushed quickly into production environments. The low code approach is 17x faster in time-to-market and saves thousands, if not millions of dollars for companies.

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