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Judge rejects efforts of GOD on denying 127,000 Houston votes

The Judge rejects the last effort of Republicans on Monday. Republicans want to throughout the 127,000 votes cast in the Houston during early voting. 

Republicans are against on expanding the drive-thru voting which is starting in the United States for casting voted during the pandemic.

As due to current pandemic of coronavirus, this results in the death of many people worldwide.

Coronavirus is a contagious disease spread from one person to another through aerosol.

Treatment is still not available for its cure, thus the only way to avoid its spread by following proper standard operating procedures.

In these dire conditions, it is decided to give the people a chance to cast their vote through the drive-thru system.

Those people who have some health issues have to throw their voice through the drive-thru. In Harris County, around 1.4 million people already cast their votes in early elections

Conservative Texas activists start railed against the expanded voting access. Harris County is a crucial battleground in Texas, which are the nation’s third-largest states.

Here the Republicans and President Donald Trump are making the efforts to won the seat in Texas

Over the weekend, the Texas Supreme Court has rejected the challenge of throughout votes.

The expansion of voting options is made due to the pandemic of coronavirus. 

The county top election official, Harris County Clerk Chris Hollin said that it is expected that more than 20,000 voters have the chance of casting voting due to driving thru polling.

Houston attorney who also used drive-thru voting and his wife, who is 35 weeks pregnant, also used the drive-thru for casting a vote.

This Friday the wife Of Houston attorney gives birth to twin baby. Most of the voters who used drive-thru for casting a vote also move to join the oppositions to the lawsuits. 

David Hobbs declared that his vote and his wife vote is also counted that they cast me the early election.

In 2016, President Donald Trump won the seat with nine-point in Texas. This time Democrats want to win the heart over Texas, by flipping those nine seats. 

For nearly 5 million citizens, there must be ten drives thru location over here. Former chairman of the Harris County GOD, Jared Woodfill said that law does not make any explicit allowances for voting through movement thru. 

Hanen tersely asked an attorney for the ACLU that everyone have the fundamental right to cast their vote by a drive-thru election system by which citizen could cast a ballot while sited in the car.

Wood fills lawsuit declared that about 40 per cent of citizens in the Harris County are Latino which means that one in every five citizens I the Harris County is of the Black race.

Republicans entirely controlled the Supreme Court of Texas. Thus Supreme Court rejected the GOD demand to throw out votes.

On Sunday, the Supreme Court of Texas rejected the demand for making the votes invalidate which are cast earlier in the earlier elections.

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