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What to Expect About House Cleaning Prices

No one has the time or the inclination to clean their house every day. It’s a simple truth. Residential cleaning can be the perfect solution to this dilemma. Hiring a home cleaning service is a great way to take some of the everyday cleaning chores off your plate and give yourself a stress-free gift. 

There are many benefits to hiring professional cleaners. You’ll always have a clean home. You won’t feel so stressed since you’ll have more time for yourself and your family. It sounds nice, but many people worry about house cleaning prices. By doing your homework, you’ll learn what to expect ahead of time and how to make sure you get what you need from the service you work with.

Most cleaning companies charge an average flat rate of $120 to $235. The price can change depending on your location and the size of the home. Some companies also charge more per hour, per square foot or number of rooms. They can also charge for the type of cleaning they do as well. Read on to get an idea of house cleaning prices.

Independent Contractor

You can expect to pay anywhere from $25 to $40 an hour for an independent cleaner. The rate will depend on the experience and skill level of the individual. The good news is you can negotiate on the price. This type of cleaner is also more flexible when it comes to scheduling. You would have to do a reference and background checks though. It’s also best if you look for someone who’s insured and has received training.

Professional Cleaning Company

A cleaning services company charges anywhere from $50 to $125 an hour. Look for an established business with a good reputation. It’s also a good idea to choose one that has been in the business for several years. You should expect to sign a contract when working with professional cleaners. They are also quite strict when it comes to schedules. There’s no guarantee they will agree to last-minute changes.

Live-In Cleaning

You also have the option to go with a live-in cleaner. Be prepared to shell out anywhere from $30,000 to $60,000 a year for the service. You also have to provide them with living quarters and meals. But a live-in cleaning professional means your house will be clean every day. They also provide other services, like receiving mail and deliveries.

Daily/ Weekly Home Cleaning

You can also choose a daily cleaning service if you don’t want a stay-in cleaner. It’s a bit expensive though as cleaning five days a week will cost you anywhere from $1,200 to $2,500 a month. Cleaning companies also offer weekly or twice-a-week cleaning services. Rates for this service can range from $75 to $200 a week or $100 to $250 every two weeks.

One-Time Cleaning Service

A one-time cleaning can cost anywhere from $100 to $400. This type of cleaning is slightly more expensive than a weekly or monthly plan. It is used most often for holiday parties, moving out or moving in, post hoarding, or other pre and post special events.

Deep Cleaning Services

Deep cleaning costs anywhere from $200 to $400 depending on the size of the home and the last time it was professionally cleaned. A deep clean will require more time and will include more areas than a regular routine cleaning service. 

Final Thoughts

There can be significant differences when you hire a professional cleaning company rather than an individual cleaner. These include the cost to hire them, potential legal issues and their availability. In both cases, it’s always important to ask questions, so you know exactly what you’re getting for your money.

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