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UK Homeowners Set to Embrace Cladding Trend to Enhance Property Values, Boost Energy Efficiency

A surge in demand for residential cladding is predicted in the UK this summer, as homeowners seek to boost property values and improve energy efficiency, according to a new report. Research conducted by indicates that 46% of British homeowners have considered using timber or artificial cladding to enhance the exterior of their properties. Out of this group, 70% plan to undertake cladding projects in the coming year, potentially resulting in a cladding facelift for around 2 million properties by the end of 2023.

The decision to opt for cladding is driven by several factors, with the top three reasons cited as enhancing property appeal, weather protection, and energy efficiency. Nearly half of the homeowners surveyed (48%) aim to improve the overall look of their properties, while 40% are motivated by safeguarding their homes from the elements. Additionally, 39% seek to insulate the exterior of their properties to reduce energy costs, likely influenced by significant increases in energy bills.

The research also reveals an interesting correlation between age and interest in cladding. Among 18-24 year-old homeowners, 45% already have cladding installed, and 39% express interest in pursuing cladding projects. In contrast, only 6% of homeowners over the age of 55 have implemented cladding, with just 19% considering it.

The cities with the highest percentage of homeowners interested in cladding their houses are predominantly located in coastal areas exposed to extreme weather conditions and salty air. These cities include Brighton, Belfast, Southampton, Plymouth, and London.

Carpenter and cladder Gareth Lloyd notes the overwhelming demand for cladding, particularly for new fibre cement boards, which require minimal maintenance and offer durability. He emphasizes the benefits of cladding in terms of weather protection, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal.

James Gibbens, founder of Sitebuddyz, anticipates a substantial surge in cladding demand this summer, particularly among younger homeowners who seek a modern, stylish look and are more likely to invest in long-term home improvement projects. The expected boom in cladding is poised to stimulate the UK construction sector, generating employment opportunities and driving economic growth.

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