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How To Do An Office Whip-Round When 13.7M Brits Are Cashfree

With cash use declining by 35% in 2020, the age-old tradition of the office whip-round is in danger of dying out. However, online group card and cash collection service Thankbox provides an easy and secure solution and has seen a 225% rise in consumer demand since the start of the year.

Launched in May 2020, Thankbox solves the issues related to card and cash collections in busy modern life. From hunting for a last-minute card to organising a collection when many people now work remotely. As many businesses have introduced flexible work policies, the traditional card pass around is impossible to achieve. 

In the space of only a year, 15,000 Thankboxes have been sent with 350,000 people having contributed messages from the comfort of their home or office, moreover, 35% of all sales in September were from repeat customers. With the option to include GIFs and videos, Thankboxmakes boring cards more memorable.

The pandemic and the emphasis on cleanliness skyrocketed the decline of cash use with the usual 15% decline since 2017 more than doubling last year. Furthermore, 13.7 million consumers admit to carrying cash only once a month or not at all, which makes it more difficult than ever to organise an office whip-round. Thankbox provides a way to easily and securely collect cash digitally to be claimed as a prepaid debit card or gift card with hundreds of brands to choose from. Trusted by many, the company handled over half a million pounds worth of collections since launching just over a year ago.

As a digital card, Thankbox also provides an option that doesn’t contribute to deforestation. The company is also committed to increasing its positive environmental impact by planting a tree for every 10 Thankbox’s, to date Thankbox has planted 1,500 trees.

Available to purchase from with a classic Thankbox starting from £4.99 and a premium Thankbox starting from £8.99.

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