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Pannovate Collaborates with Temenos Exchange Ecosystem to Grant Banks and Fintechs Access to its Orchestration Layer and BaaS Platform

Pannovate, an eminent facilitator of orchestration layer and BaaS services, has announced its integration into the esteemed Temenos Exchange, a partner ecosystem comprising a range of integrated fintech solutions.

By becoming a featured partner on the Temenos Exchange, Pannovate aims to assist established banks as well as emerging neo-bank challengers in swiftly launching their value propositions across various sectors and geographies. Leveraging the cutting-edge technology offered by the Temenos platform, Pannovate enables the seamless and rapid introduction of products and services through its orchestration layer.

The vast expertise and capabilities of Pannovate empower Temenos clients in areas where readily available solutions might be lacking or where unique configurations and edge cases require customized approaches. Pannovate’s flexible integration layer can seamlessly operate alongside or on top of the Temenos platforms, ensuring optimal configuration to suit specific use cases.

The Temenos Exchange fosters open innovation, enabling the swift and scalable market deployment of pre-integrated and approved fintech solutions. By easily deploying these solutions on top of the Temenos open platform for composable banking, banks can expedite the creation of innovative financial services while reducing development costs.

Martin Bailey, Director of Innovation and Ecosystems at Temenos, expressed, “Temenos Exchange serves as a catalyst for fintechs and software developers, assisting them in the development, validation, and monetization of new banking solutions. The integration with Temenos and participation in the Temenos Exchange empowers Pannovate to swiftly make their services available to thousands of banks worldwide that operate on our platform.”

Pavle Ljujic, Founder of Pannovate, stated, “Pannovate’s presence on the Temenos Exchange further reinforces our commitment to the banking community and provides Temenos customers with effortless access to our orchestration layer and BaaS enablement. We are eager to leverage the power of the Temenos platform to accomplish our business objectives.”

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