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Why Non-Fiction Text Is Important?

So many bookworms treat reading as an escape — an escape from the real world. No wonder why even adults read fantasy books, science fiction, and all sorts of fiction text in the form of novels and short stories.

The same is the case with writers. They know their chances of success as an author with a fiction book are much higher than non-fiction. That’s because of the increasing demand among kids and adults.

The beauty of quality fiction writing is it paints pictures in your mind. You find yourself present in the scene as if the whole thing is happening in front of you.

But, in the longer run, reading too much fiction can make you oblivious to the real world. Fiction can enlighten your mood, alleviate stress, but it can’t teach you stuff that only non-fiction can.

If you think nonfiction text is boring and not worth your time, that’s not the case. Here are 5 reasons why non-fiction text is important:

1.     Non-Fiction Text is Logical

No offense to the fiction writers and readers, but fiction text is not always logical. Weird things happen in novels that only writers can tell. Dead people come back, lovers split, and then reunite in an odd fashion, and the main characters mostly survive till the end.

More often than not, at the end of the series, the readers keep looking for answers about certain scenes and characters. Hence, fiction text is not always logical.

On the contrary, non-fiction writing is all about logic. One of the basics of copywriting is that if you are claiming something, you must back it with statistics and research. If you are explaining a concept, you must share real-life examples.

2.     Non-Fiction Text Improves One’s Analytical Skills

As said before, whether you are writing or reading non-fiction, you either do research before writing or get tons of knowledge while reading. Either way, you get the chance to get the most updated knowledge.

Writing non-fiction text can be really challenging. It’s like you are knitting ideas together, the information must make sense and be presented in the right flow. For both readers and writers, it’s a source of honing one’s analytical skills.

There are no flying cars, no Spiderman, no magic wands, but everything that’s real and understandable by a human mind.

3.     Non-Fiction Text Teaches us Valuable Lessons

There’s a reason why BBC, CNN, and The New York Times get millions of visitors on a daily basis. Everybody is looking to learn new things, stay updated with the evolving technology, and learn from the stories of others.

More or less, we humans have the same psychology. We make the same mistakes at certain stages of our life. And the only way to avoid them is to learn from others.

Self-help books, magazines, and online publications post thousands of articles daily containing important life lessons, tips to deal with anxiety and depression, common workplace problems, etc.

Of course, those who write the content on credible publications are qualified experts in their fields. Hence, their advice is worth noting and the best bit is you get it for free.

4.     Non-Fiction Text Can Improve Concentration

Naturally, you will find non-fiction text much simpler and easier to comprehend than fiction. While reading or writing fiction, one can easily get lost in his thoughts. You try to imagine the scene, or perhaps you are too overwhelmed by the emotions to continue reading.

That’s not the case with non-fiction text. It improves the concentration of readers and at the same time, writers have to be in their senses to avoid any silly mistakes.

In order to explain your idea/concept properly, or understand it, a 100% concentration level is required. People who read in a non-distracted environment and devote full concentration to the material are able to enjoy the same level of concentration at work too.

5. Non-Fiction Text Contains Academic Vocabulary

Again, apologies in advance but don’t you think we have become too informal while speaking and writing? Imagine writing an official email with lots of slang and strong verbs in it, surely, it’s never going to sound formal.

The only way to develop academic vocabulary and formal writing and speaking skills is to read non-fiction. Business writing, report writing, and technical writing demand strong academic vocabulary to be able to get your message across without sounding informal.

People struggling with their thesis, office emails, or any research work must read some non-fiction text daily to get used to the jargon and academic vocabulary being used in their field.

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