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The Draycox Awakens comic to be released on Kickstarter March 2023

The research released in 2017 by Warwick University showed that 29 percent of teenagers reported being bullied while nearly two-thirds of parents express worry that their children are being targeted by bullies. According to the Anti-Bullying Alliance UK, children who are bullied are prone to commit or be a victim of domestic violence or harbour resentment and grudge against their bullies, in turn committing violence themselves.

In his new comic book, The Draycox Awakens, author Jonathan Minott explores these and similar other social issues. He narrates the story of a teenage boy who harbours vengeance in his heart and becomes the story’s anti- hero as he gained new abilities from a mythical creature that granted him immense strength.

“The Draycox Awakens” is a narrative of an exceptional young teen from St. Michael’s High, a kid who never had any luck and was moved from one foster home to another. All Micheal longed for was a friend, someone whom he could share his accomplishments and connect with. Micheal, who was an expert in the vast field of science, was continuously searching for something big, something amazing to occur. One day his long-sought-after achievement arrived in a different form, in a way he would have never imagined.

With immense abilities now coursing through his veins, Micheal was faced with a decision, fuelled by rage and retribution, that could either be in his favour or his demise. Will Micheal pick the right path, or will his vengeance be the bane of his life?

“Since I was young, writing has always been a part of me, and I began my writing journey incredibly early on.” The author shares his inspiration. “Growing up, I was heavily inspired by the various animated TV series including X- Men, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, Yu-Gi-OH!, Pokémon and Digimon, as well as Marvel and DC comics and movies. All of this encouraged me to begin creating my own characters and stories, but I kept them to myself for a long time.”

Continuing, “It wasn’t until after my mother passed away and I found a letter from her that urged me to never give up on my dreams and to follow my passions. That message gave me the motivation to finally share my work with everybody and be comfortable with the idea of criticism. I am determined to bring the same joy to all ages like I experienced as a child with the animated series and books I collected.”

“I strive to motivate the succeeding generations of authors and inventors to pursue their aspirations.” Minott explains. “While the task might appear overwhelming and frightful when you make your creations public with the possibility of both negative and positive comments, there is a vast population that could encourage you, provide constructive comments and merely give it a try. As people are searching for something new and interesting, your innovative thought could bring freshness to the kind of literature or art you are passionate about.”

The Draycox Awakens will be available soon from Atop Throne Comics.

About the Author
Jonathan Minott is the author of the comics at Atop Throne Comics. They are a company that is looking to change the comic book world and take it by storm, with a wide range of multicultural comics that address issues on mental health, race, gender inclusivity, equality and diversity, disabilities, and sexuality. They hope to have a superhero for everyone, a hero everyone can see themselves.

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