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GumBallPay Payment Gateway: Enabling Clients to Take Control Of Their Payments

Founded in 2019 with the key objective of providing a secure payment gateway supporting low, medium and high-risk businesses of all sizes, the GumBallPay payment gateway is an advanced payments platform that incorporates a variety of innovative features to meet the unique needs of each client.

With a high acceptance rate for credit cards worldwide, GumBallPay tailors its services to meet each client’s individual needs, from large, high-risk businesses, to more modest, low-risk ventures.

GumBallPay is a world-leading payment gateway solution that leverages cutting-edge technological advancements to help businesses reach their goals through the implementation of an array of payment services. GumBallPay is committed to excellence, providing a comprehensive selection of payment solutions while adhering to rigorous global banking and legal practice standards.

Providing a stable and secure payment gateway solution to support eCommerce businesses, GumBallPay incorporates state-of-the-art fraud protection, guarding clients and their businesses from criminal activity. Clients receive the benefit of GumBallPay’s team of dedicated and experienced experts right from the start, ensuring there is always someone to provide advice, listen to concerns, and ensure everything is running smoothly.

Customers shopping online expect to be able to pay via their credit card, inputting their card details and processing the transaction via the same platform. Funds received from the customer are then paid into the client’s merchant account. A merchant account is a specific type of account capable of receiving a variety of payment types, particularly credit and debit card payments. Merchant accounts are the backbone of online retail businesses today, holding funds paid by customers until they paid out into a nominated bank account.

GumBallPay’s card processing services enable business clients to start taking payments via their website. Once funds have been paid into the merchant account, they can be transferred to the business owners’ bank account, or even refunded to the customer if required.

With a sharp focus on innovation, the GumBallPay payment gateway keeps clients ahead of the financial and digital curve, delivering technologies, solutions and services to meet the individual needs of each client.

3D secured to reduce fraud, the GumBallPay payment gateway is Level 1 PCI DSS compliant. GumBallPay takes the hassle out of setting up an online payment gateway, freeing up business owners’ precious time and enabling them to concentrate on what they really need to be thinking about: growing their business.

Adopted in 180 countries worldwide today, this global payment solution accepts all major credit cards including Visa, Discover, MasterCard, Diners, RuPay, JCB and Diners – and, thanks to seamless integration, setting up GumBallPay could not be easier.

With 24-hour approval for payment processing, GumBallPay’s clients benefit a team of dedicated developers and payment engineers from the very first moment, enabling them to start taking online payments as soon as possible.

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