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Three examples how an IT Package can help an SME grow

The business landscape has probably never been more fluid with the Covid-19 pandemic re-shaping the most fundamental factors determining our daily lives. Unexpected scenarios brought on inventive solutions such as remote and hybrid working and the work sphere as we’ve known it will now forever remain a blast from the past. As a result of the transition, 65% of medium businesses reported cybersecurity breaches or attacks in the past 12 months, according to the UK government’s 2021 Cyber security Breaches Survey. ComputerWeekly also learned the UK lost £1.3bn to cybercrime and fraud this year alone. Although data breaches cost less in the UK than the global average, security budgets are also smaller. However, a solid IT infrastructure has now become an absolute must-have. This article highlights why it is crucial to include an IT package into any businesses’ Disaster Recovery plan to not only stay afloat but to thrive and remain resilient to future uncertainties in a post-Covid environment.

Example #1: You can focus on growing your business while IT experts take care of the technical stuff.

Leading a business towards success and prosperity is a rather time-consuming process filled with several obstacles. In an increasingly digital world, not all business leaders have the capability or the know-how to look after their IT department and avoid disruptions. In terms of the technological understanding and digital capabilities of SME leaders, according to a report conducted by The Open University and Be the Business, 77% of UK small and medium businesses leaders don’t have the required skills to implement new technology into their business models.

How an IT package can help:  One of the most significant advantages of having an IT package managed by an IT Solutions partner is that your IT infrastructure is secured in one place. Therefore, any emerging issues or necessary updates are taken care of. This minimises IT downtime and the cost of hardware and software maintenance. Budgets would also be optimised with the additional benefit of a specialist IT engineering team that monitor and troubleshoot the performance of your applications, 24/7/365, resulting in seamless business continuity.

Example #2: An IT package is tailor-made for your industry.

In business, one of the most important KPIs is ROI and ROAS. Why? Because they indicate how effectively a company uses its budget.

 When starting a company, several factors have to be taken into account, even though IT might not be on the top of the agenda. Startups often end up focusing on too many things at once, but the money-generating principle only works if the money is spent on the right resources. Embroker discovered that 29% of startups fail due to underfunding. Companies without a thorough understanding of the available products and latest trends can overestimate and waste their budgets. IT support services, which are vital for almost any kind of business to operate in 2021, are of crucial importance when maintaining the balance between a value-for-money solution and business efficiency.

How an IT package can help: An IT package is the ideal solution for a business that starts out for several reasons. It is a suite of applications tailored to the needs of a specific industry. By offering a best-in-class, ‘off-the-shelf’ suite of solutions that cover all the fundamentals necessary for a successful business launch, it boosts business stability and prosperity, especially in the post-Covid 19 era. With or without an in-house IT department, these applications reflect the latest technologies necessary to meet the ever-rising needs of any SME.

Example #3: An IT package provides the latest technology for the most competitive price.

A reliable and trusted Managed Service Provider with demonstrable experience working with a company such as yours knows the challenges your business and market sector face on a daily basis. By staying ahead of the curve and monitoring any shift taking place in your industry, you are guaranteed only top of the range products that meet your exact IT needs. Another critical aspect of implementing new technologies is to access them in the most affordable way possible.

How an IT package can help: Compared to solutions purchased individually, an IT package offers better pricing options by delivering multiple products as a bundle. By utilising years of expertise, these all-in-one packages are crafted after careful monitoring and testing to eliminate the weakest programs and support products in the market. But above all, it saves the time spent on finding the right, cost-effective services for your business, therefore providing the perfect balance between performance and value for investing in IT solutions.

To invest or not to invest?

Periods of growth are exciting for businesses, but they can create a whole new set of challenges to deal with. During this period, the focus of a business leader often shifts to the top of the iceberg and to tasks that drive results instead of the ones that ensure the smooth operation of a company – such as IT. It’s crucial not to underestimate the power of an up-to-date IT department and assess the current infrastructure’s state. It’s vital in securing company and client data and maintaining reputation, whilst increasing productivity levels in the long run. Outdated, outgrown premises can result in IT demands a business simply cannot handle. Still, small and medium-sized companies can significantly boost their growth with the right level of support. When in doubt, it is advised to consult an IT solutions provider specialised in one’s industry who can offer tailored feedback and an immediate remedy to any issue. TWC IT Solutions, trusted by over 300+ UK and global businesses, has recently reached a major milestone by celebrating its 10th anniversary. On this occasion, it has launched three industry-specific IT packages to the recruitment, financial and CRM markets, resulting from an in-depth knowledge gained from its decade of global IT infrastructure experience. If you are interested in a consultation or to learn more about our recently introduced packages, please do  reach out to us.

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