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360 Accountants appoint manager from leading London firm

Hull and York-based 360 Chartered Accountants is proud to announce it has attracted talent from a leading London accountancy firm.

With 10 years’ experience in all aspects of accounting and finance, in both the UK and overseas, Mushiirah Mohungoo has been appointed as 360’s new Senior Corporate Portfolio Manager.

Adrian Hunter, Managing Director of 360, says that attracting an accountant from the capital is testament to the way the firm looks after both its clients and its team.

“We are thrilled to have attracted Mushiirah from London and we know that she is going to be a great asset. Her experience as an accountant, dealing with personal as well as corporate finance, will be invaluable to our clients and will be a great resource for her to share with the team here.”

Mushiirah will lead her own team of accountants and apprentices, as well as proactively managing a portfolio of corporate clients.  She said:

“It’s a privilege to join such an amazing firm which will allow me to develop my skills even further.  I’ve been reading about 360 in the news for a while now and monitoring their social media channels to see what they’re doing, so when I saw an opening, I jumped at the opportunity.  They are so passionate about putting their clients at the heart of their decision-making – and they really care for the wellbeing of their employees too.  I have also been impressed by their corporate environmental policies, including having a paperless office, as well as their support of the local community.  They’re doing something great here and I’m really pleased to be a part of it.”

For more information about 360 Chartered Accountants and 5Four Payroll please visit and

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