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The Global IoA Analysts Awards 2022 open today, celebrating individuals who are challenging the status quo in the business community through outstanding and innovative use of data.

The awards aim to recognise and reward business excellence across all sectors: private, public and charity. Open to individuals based anywhere in the world, entries are encouraged from those who have used and analysed data to drive innovation and social change and made positive contributions to society and business.

This is the first time the Institute of Analytics (IoA) have held their own awards. The leading global body for analytics and data science professionals, IoA is a not-for-profit organisation committed to advancing the study, education, application and standing of analytics and data science in society worldwide. It works with governments, academia and industry globally to promote co-operation, research, innovation, career development and a greater awareness of the benefits of analytics to transform business and the world.

Dr. Clare Walsh, Head of Education at IoA, said: “As we continue to work through the pandemic and fragile economy, it is more important than ever to recognise the achievements of those facing these challenges head-on. But the Global IoA Analysts Awards are much more than acknowledging data solution strategies; they will recognise those who are truly having an impact on business, society and the environment, delivering a new blueprint for business in the 21st Century. We would like the awards to serve as a benchmark for individuals from across the globe who are looking to showcase real leadership amongst their international peers.”

Data analytics move at a fast pace, with methodology, technology and regulations continually evolving. The Global IoA Analysts Awards will celebrate innovation, creating a platform for IoA to highlight the best data analysis practices across the world, which might otherwise fall beneath the radar.

As well as recognising achievement, the awards aim to promote knowledge sharing, inspiring others to innovate, and raise the profile of data analytics to encourage more individuals and organisations to bridge the skills gap needed to get ahead in the data age.

Entrants to the Global IoA Analysts Awards do not have to be conducting business globally; they can be national or regional, operating in a single country, but must be undertaking ground-breaking practices in data analytics. Individuals can be nominated for an award or enter themselves into the three categories:

  • Data for Social Good
  • Young Analyst (under 25s only)
  • Innovative Research and Application.

Nominations can be made online at IoA and require a short video, outlining the specifics of the initiative, and up to 1,000 words (including supporting written content, but excluding images) explaining what the individual has done to drive innovation and change. Nominations will close on 25 November 2022. The judges will be looking for individuals who have been “agenda-leading in data and analytics” in 2022, with applications backed up by verifiable evidence from third parties.

IoA will update on the event in the coming weeks, detailing the judges panel, nominees and the award ceremony itself, which will be held as an online event, due to the global nature of both IoA and the awards, to make them as open as possible to analysts across the world.

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