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Tea-Loving Couple Combating Cost-of-Living and Loneliness with Cup for One

A family-owned Essex business is helping people cope with loneliness and the cost-of-living crisis with the power of tea. London Boutique’s Tea for One product line offers comfort and a touch of British tradition for those either struggling to make ends meet or living on their own. 

Owners David and Tracy developed the Tea for One line so tea lovers could enjoy vintage sets of teacups and saucers. Each set includes a single cup and saucer, with 15 unique designs to choose from. Tea and coffee lovers themselves, David and Tracy started London Boutique in their East London home and now operate out of a 2,500 ft. space in Essex. 

London Boutique’s Tea for One products were a hit during the height of the Covid pandemic when levels of loneliness saw an uptick. The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) found that 7.2% of adults in the UK (approximately 3.7 million people) reported feeling lonely “often” or “always” between October 2020 and February 2021. Those wanting to send gifts to family members living alone could have the tea sets delivered as a way to brighten their days during lockdown.

Now with the cost-of-living crisis affecting individuals and families across the UK, Tea for One is providing comfort again. The sets range from £18-£30, which is much more cost-effective than regular trips to the coffee shop or cafe – perfect for those trying to cut corners to make ends meet. Plus, relaxing with a cup of your favourite tea is the perfect way to destress. 

London Boutique saw an increase in Tea for One sales during Christmas and they’re expecting the same for Valentine’s Day. Mother’s Day and the upcoming coronation of King Charles III are also perfect opportunities for tea lovers and gift givers to try Tea for One.  

You can place your order on their website or through Amazon

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