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Coffee Cup gets Responsible

The weight of the responsibility to reduce carbon emissions is in full force.  At home, at work, as business owners, everything we do all comes back to the carbon emissions we’re releasing.

“The Earth is at a tipping point, and we face a stark choice: either we continue as we are and irreparably damage our planet, or we remember our unique power as human beings and our continual ability to lead, innovate and problem solve.” Prince William.

Here at Coffee Cup Solutions, we are making our stand for sustainability by reducing our carbon emissions to tackle the climate emergency. We pledge to contribute to make a difference to our planet. Teaming up with our local Wokingham Borough Council and their Planet Pledge Campaign, by pledging our efforts to reduce our carbon emissions as a business and sharing their initiative to encourage other local businesses and individuals to pledge their efforts to reduce their own carbon footprint to tackle the climate emergency.

Whilst we are proud to be a carbon neutral IT organisation, our most impactful method is to deploy our carbon neutral IT solutions into other organisations.  By doing so, we are not only fulfilling our carbon neutral pledge but ensuring that other businesses have carbon neutral IT solutions in place to assist them in achieving a smaller carbon footprint.

Our popular Assurance Package delivers the complete IT Solution for any organisation, maintaining its carbon neutral status.  Our Assurance solution encompasses Unlimited Helpdesk Support, Endpoint Web Security, O365 Backups, Offsite Logging, Email Security, Vulnerability Patching, Password Manager and Cyber Essentials. Discover more here.

Jack Hussey, our Coffee Cup Green Ambassador (and IT Helpdesk Technician) has been saving the planet since he was young! A local resident, born and raised in Finchampstead, Jack joined his first nature club at the age of 4 and was often found admiring solar panels. Jack has always used public transport or taken his bike where possible and manages his home sustainability efforts as much as he does at work! “What I hope to achieve through my role is to get everyone to understand how important it is. Just because it is not your personal funded work environment (your company paying for electricity bills etc.) it does not mean you should not respect how much energy you are using/wasting. Do you really need to keep your computer turned on all night? 99% of the time – No.” Jack commented. “Please consider what you can do to help being green and sustainable. A little can go such a long way so the more people do will make a huge difference overall in the long run.” Jack can be contacted at

Through his dedication to his ambassador role, Jack has collated his actions so far, with investment in our sustainability initiative from the Coffee Cup Directors.

  • Our IT solutions are carbon neutral.
  • We use LED lighting in the offices.
  • We offer an electric car scheme to all employees.
  • We are paperless.
  • All recyclable waste gets recycled, which has reduced our waste by half since 2021.
  • We have our milk delivered in re-usable glass bottles rather than plastic cartons, in one year, that’s 500 plastic containers that haven’t gone to landfill.
  • All hardware waste is securely recycled by a company that adheres to the Environmental Management Systems International Standard.
  • We embrace our employees working from home.
  • We work with Ecologi and plant a small forest of trees when we take on a new client, and to offset our carbon emissions.

In addition, Coffee Cup Solutions recently purchased the Head Office building and have since been able to install Solar Panels, thanks to Rainbow Energy.  We can now have a greater impact on our carbon footprint.

There’s always more to do, so this year we supported the prevention of 20 tCo2e from being emitted through 2 verified carbon avoidance projects with Ecologi and contributed to the protection of the rainforests in Brazil. We are all in a position to make an impact and help overcome the planets greatest challenge.

Carbon neutral – The facts

A carbon footprint measures the total carbon emissions something causes. So, through the actions a person takes and the choices they make in their day-to-day lives. A business’s carbon footprint is made up of all the carbon released from every person within that business as well as the premises and the way that it works. Being carbon neutral means that you offset your carbon emissions with actions to physically reduce carbon emissions elsewhere.

Each employee emits 0.82ton Co2e per year, this is taken from the heating, electricity, travel, food, and non-food consumption during their time in the office.

When considering the remaining global carbon budget, a rule of thumb is that a result of max 1-ton Co2e per employee, per year is sustainable.

Coffee Cup Solutions emits a total of 19.68ton Co2e per year, so as it stands, we are a sustainable “carbon neutral” company.

To calculate our carbon emissions for the business solutions we deploy into external organisations, we use a combination of factors including underlying infrastructure, energy efficiency, energy source, usage patterns, and end-user devices. We base our estimations on average emissions figures across the IT industry. The types of industries where your organisation spends its money and the amount of money you spend in them – will therefore influence the calculated emissions.

For example, if you were to spend £100 on business software with Microsoft, we would take the UK average emissions figure from the IT software industry (which is measured in CO2e per £ spent) and then multiply it by 100, for your £100 spent. In this example, the footprint would be 1.2kg Co2e because the industry emissions factor for this industry is 0.012kg per £ spent.

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