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ParkMate Crosses 60,000 Users Within 8 Months of Operations

Brand Plans to serve 75,000 customers by the end of the current calendar year

Mumbai, 20 March 2023: Smart parking startup- ParkMate has successfully reached more than 60,000 users since it began operations. Its major traction is received in the city of Lucknow wherein the startup is well-established with a striking presence in the entire city. The Moradabad-based startup plans to work towards deeper penetration in North India in the ongoing calendar year.

Smart parking startup- ParkMate started the smart parking system along with a smart valet system in cooperation with Lucknow Nagar Nigam and Hazratganj Trader Association. The services were started as a leap towards decongesting the Hazratganj market and eliminating illegal roadside parking while facilitating the visitors of the market with a hassle-free parking experience. The ParkMate services were launched on 1 February 2023 in Hazratganj, Lucknow. Within 8 months, ParkMate has served more than 60,000 customers in Northern India, and the number is increasing every day. The impact can be clearly seen on the roads as fewer cars can be found parked on the roadside now, especially in areas in Uttar Pradesh, Delhi NCR among others.

 “People do not want to park illegally but are mostly forced to, as authorised parking areas are either far from the major markets or take a lot of time to reach. It forces people to park on the roadsides. We want to eliminate such parking anxiety from car owners’ lives and assist respective city administration in doing so.”, said Abhimanyu Singh, co-founder of ParkMate.

The startup aims to solve the problem of parking congestion for every car owner in India. All the products of ParkMate are Made in India. ParkMate has also generated employment avenues for the youth of Lucknow and neighbouring areas.  

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