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india post

India Post Tracking Everything You Need to Know

Are you waiting for an important package to arrive through India Post? Do you want to track your shipment’s status but don’t know how to do it? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about India Post Tracking, including how to track your shipment, common issues, and frequently asked questions. So, let’s get started!

Tracking your shipment with India Post is a straightforward process. All you need is the tracking number assigned to your package. This number can be obtained from the sender or the receipt you received when you dispatched the parcel. Once you have the tracking number, you can check the status of your shipment on the India Post website. Simply go to the India Post Tracking page and enter the tracking number in the designated field. After that, click on the “Track” button, and the status of your shipment will be displayed.

However, it is essential to note that the tracking information may not be available immediately after your package is dispatched. It may take some time for the tracking status to be updated on the India Post website. So, if you do not see any updates on the tracking page, do not worry. Wait for a day or two, and check again.

If you face any issues with India Post Tracking, you can contact their customer support. They will assist you in resolving the issue and provide you with the latest updates on your shipment’s status. The customer support team is available 24/7, so you can contact them anytime.

Track India Post Courier

  1. Get your tracking number: You will need the tracking number assigned to your package. You can get this number from the sender or the receipt you received when you dispatched the parcel.
  2. Go to the India Post Tracking page: Once you have the tracking number, go to the India Post Tracking page on their website.
  3. Enter the tracking number: Enter the tracking number in the designated field on the India Post Tracking page.
  4. Click on “Track”: After entering the tracking number, click on the “Track” button.
  5. Check the status: The status of your shipment will be displayed on the screen. You can see the current location of your package and the estimated delivery date.

It is important to note that the tracking information may not be immediately available on the India Post website. It may take some time for the tracking status to be updated. If you do not see any updates on the tracking page, wait for a day or two and check again.

If you face any issues while tracking your shipment, you can contact India Post’s customer support team. They will assist you in resolving the issue and provide you with the latest updates on your shipment’s status.


Q: How long does it take for India Post to deliver a package? A: The delivery time varies depending on the destination and the type of service selected by the sender. However, India Post usually delivers packages within 7-10 days.

Q: Can I track my package if I lost the tracking number? A: Unfortunately, you cannot track your shipment without the tracking number. Make sure to keep the tracking number safe until you receive your package.

Q: What happens if my package is lost or damaged during transit? A: If your package is lost or damaged during transit, you can file a complaint with India Post. They will investigate the matter and provide you with compensation if applicable.

Q: How can I know if my package is stuck in customs? A: You can contact the customs department in your country to know the status of your package. However, India Post will not have any information on packages stuck in customs.

Q: Can I change the delivery address after dispatching the package? A: No, you cannot change the delivery address after dispatching the package. Make sure to provide the correct address while dispatching the package.

In conclusion, India Post Tracking is a useful service for anyone who wants to track their package’s status. With the help of this service, you can know the exact location of your shipment and plan accordingly. In case of any issues, India Post’s customer support team is always available to assist you. So, if you are waiting for a package to arrive, use India Post Tracking and stay informed about your shipment’s status.

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