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From London to LA: Scouty’s Expansion Empowers Content Creators

LONDON, UK 12th April 2023 – British startup, Scouty, is disrupting the traditional methods of location rental and changing the way content creators secure shoot locations. Founded in 2020 by Ryan Gannon and Nico Doeser, Scouty’s technology and intuitive interface have quickly established the platform as the go-to for content creators in search of fresh and exciting shoot locations.
Unlike other platforms, Scouty does not charge content creators a booking fee on top of the rental cost, making it an accessible solution for content creators of all sizes, regardless of their budget.
The start-up boasts an impressive collection of unique locations available for rent in the UK, including restored railway arches, photo studios, London homes, converted warehouses, and even a private jet and a UFO. These can be booked for filming, photoshoots, influencer campaigns and anything in-between. The website is packed with familiar-looking spaces, and it’s quite possible you’ve already seen them in a TV advert, music video, interview or your favorite TV drama.
Scouty’s mission is to disrupt the location rental industry with a user-friendly and reliable platform that benefits both renters and hosts. Hosts can easily upload photos of their property and manage bookings, while creators can take advantage of the platform’s advanced search feature to filter locations based on specific needs, including location type, features, and price range. According to Scouty, hosts frequently make between £500 – £3,500 per month with just a few bookings.
Now, the British start-up is expanding its services to Los Angeles, providing content creators with access to some of the most unique and inspiring locations in the world. Hundreds of locations are already available in Los Angeles, including remarkable film sets, a post-apocalyptic desert famously used by Arnold Schwarzenegger, and a villa where Houdini reportedly rehearsed his underwater escapes.
“Los Angeles is a hub for creativity, and we are excited to provide our platform to content creators looking for the perfect location to bring their vision to life,” said Ryan Gannon the founder of Scouty. “We understand that each shoot has unique requirements, and that’s why we offer a diverse range of spaces to meet the needs of any content creator”.
Scouty’s launch in Los Angeles marks a significant milestone for the company, as they continue to expand their services to new markets across the US, connecting even more hosts with content creators.
Visit to explore all the Scouty locations in the UK and beyond.
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