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DETEC Unveils DoXite 9.1, Introducing Enhanced Electronic Invoicing Capabilities

DETEC, a leading provider of document-based corporate communication solutions, has launched version 9.1 of its DoXite software. DoXite is a document composition product that facilitates the flexible and automated design, production, distribution, and archiving of digital and printed business documents.

Electronic invoicing with XML

DoXite enables companies to streamline electronic business transactions by exchanging information in machine-readable XML formats. This eliminates the need for manual data entry as any data or document content can be converted into customized XML formats and automatically processed by business applications.

DoXite 9.1 now supports XRechnung 2.2.0, which has been mandatory for sending invoices to German public-sector customers since August 1st, 2022. It also adheres to the Factur-X and ZUGFeRD standards, meeting the latest European Union requirements for electronic invoicing. These standards define specific XML data exchange formats that facilitate seamless commerce between organizations.

In compliance with the new version of XRechnung, valid telephone numbers and email addresses must be included in invoices to ensure direct contact with the responsible person in case of any issues. DoXite’s validator feature verifies compliance with these new rules, ensuring documents adhere to the latest XRechnung standard.

Improved eDocument driver and multiple invoicing formats

DoXite Release 9.1 introduces a new eDocument driver specifically designed to create XRechnung-compliant invoices. This driver generates XML data instantly without the need to create a PDF document first, resulting in reduced effort and improved performance in invoice production. Furthermore, DoXite allows for the definition of multiple electronic invoicing formats within a single document layout, eliminating the need for separate layouts for each required standard. Conditions can be set to determine which format is produced in specific cases, providing the flexibility to meet all standards with a single invoice definition. Carsten Owerfeldt, Head of Development at DETEC, stated, “This new version of DoXite enables our customers to comply with the EU directive for electronic invoicing with minimal administrative effort.”

Enhancements to XFA forms in DoXite

With DoXite’s Document Styler, organizations can design document layouts by positioning variable XML data. DoXite 9.1 introduces the capability to import forms from Adobe LiveCycle Designer to DoXite via XFA (Adobe’s XML Forms Architecture). Once imported, extended functionality is available, allowing different layouts to be defined for various pages within a single document. Additionally, content can be presented in nested tables with fully automated pagination, surpassing the capabilities of Adobe LiveCycle Designer.

The release of DoXite 9.1 enhances electronic invoicing capabilities and provides organizations with improved flexibility and efficiency in document composition, ensuring compliance with electronic invoicing standards and reducing administrative burdens.

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