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weCall: New Video Call App Prioritizes Teenage Mental Health and Authentic Connections

HoloAsh, a brand new app, has recently launched with a focus on creating a social environment where people can thrive while addressing the impact of social media on teenagers’ mental health.

Dubbed as a combination of FaceTime and BeReal, weCall provides a platform for young people and adults to engage in video calls while experiencing real-life moments. The app enables users to have double perspective video calls using both the front and back cameras, allowing them to share real-time experiences with long-distance friends.

The development of the app took users’ self-esteem and mental health into consideration. Yoshua Kisihi, CEO at HoloAsh, highlights the dangers of social media comparison and emphasizes the app’s goal of promoting authentic connections rather than the pursuit of followers.

“We encourage people to share their authentic selves, real-time, real-life, real you,” says Kisihi.

Research conducted by non-profit charity Common Sense reveals that teenagers (aged 13 to 18) spend nearly an hour and a half each day on social media, but they have conflicting feelings about its effects. Additionally, recent studies from the US Department of Health and Human Services demonstrate that adolescents who spend over three hours per day on social media are twice as likely to experience poor mental health outcomes, including symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Recognizing the importance of creating a safe space for teenagers, the HoloAsh team has placed a strong emphasis on features that prioritize their well-being.

weCall offers a range of features, including:

  • Double perspective video calls using both front and back cameras.
  • Sharing memorable moments with friends and family.
  • Watch party features for enjoying favorite shows with friends.

With its focus on teenage mental health and fostering authentic connections, weCall aims to provide a social app that ensures a safe and positive experience for its users.

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