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Join Missionary Vincent in Building an Orphanage School in Africa – Fundraising Campaign Launched

The Katakala Community Foundation, a charitable organization dedicated to providing a future for orphans and underprivileged children in Uganda, has initiated a significant fundraising campaign to transform an orphanage and create hope for young people in the region.

The foundation aims to offer free education programs, talent development in music, dance, and sports, to empower the youth. As the number of orphans and vulnerable children continues to increase in the Mityana Municipality, the Katakala Community Foundation has launched a GOFUNDME campaign ( to raise funds for renovating the existing rooms of the orphanage and constructing a larger learning space and shelter to accommodate more children in need.

According to a spokesperson from the Foundation, the current building suffers from leaking roofs that flood the beds of the 125 children when it rains. Furthermore, the existing space is insufficient to accommodate the current number of children, let alone any additional ones. Every contribution, no matter how small, will have a tremendous impact on the project’s success.

Join Missionary Vincent and the Katakala Community Foundation in their efforts to build a safe and nurturing environment for orphaned and underprivileged children. Your support will provide them with access to education and a brighter future. Visit the GOFUNDME campaign page to make a donation and make a significant difference in the lives of these children.

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