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Penstripe Unveils New 2023 Lesson Planner Collection Catering to Educators’ Evolving Needs

Penstripe, a renowned provider of educational resources, is thrilled to introduce its latest Lesson Planner range for 2023. This innovative collection has been specifically designed to meet the ever-changing requirements of teachers and educational professionals worldwide. With its cutting-edge layouts, fresh designs, and user-friendly customisation options, the new range promises to be the ultimate planning tool for educators.

The 2023 Lesson Planner range aims to simplify lesson planning and organisation, drawing upon extensive research and collaboration with teachers from around the world. The result is a diverse collection that caters to different teaching styles, curricula, and grade levels, ensuring that educators can find the perfect planning tool that suits their unique needs.

Key highlights of the new Penstripe Lesson Planner range include:

  1. Bespoke designs: Choose from a wide range of cover styles, including minimalist, modern, and classic designs. Additionally, a variety of color options are available to match personal preferences or even align with school branding. The new range comes with a standard space for a school logo and details, while also offering the option for a fully personalised, full-color bespoke cover.
  2. Tailored layouts: Select from a range of pre-designed templates available in the Penstripe library. These include year and term planners, action planning templates, record of meetings templates, personal training templates, and more. With the flexibility to mix and match, educators can create a personalised planning experience that perfectly suits their requirements.

The 2023/24 Lesson Planner range is now open for ordering on the Penstripe website. For more detailed information about the new Lesson Planner collection or to place a pre-order, visit the Penstripe website at

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