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SML Group Expands Retail RFID and Label Solutions in the Middle East

SML Group, a global leader in digital ID and label solutions, has announced its entry into the Middle Eastern market with the launch of a new location in Dubai.

This strategic expansion aims to bring SML Group’s innovative solutions to the dynamic and rapidly growing Middle East region, supporting businesses in propelling their brands forward and seizing new opportunities for growth.

Dubai, known for its thriving apparel and retail sector, is projected to experience substantial market growth, with an expected increase of $3.2 billion by 2027. By establishing a label and RFID solutions services location in Dubai, SML Group reaffirms its commitment to the region and becomes the first in its industry to have a physical presence, with a strong focus on driving customer success.

Ignatius K.C. Lau, CEO of SML Group, expressed his excitement about this strategic move, stating, “We are thrilled to strengthen our presence in the Middle East with the opening of our new location in Dubai. This marks an exciting milestone for SML Group, and we are confident that this venture will contribute significantly to our growth and achievements in the region.”

Building on years of research and experience in the Middle East, SML Group has already made significant contributions to the region, including the successful delivery of 150 million RFID tags and the implementation of Clarity® in over 100 stores. With the establishment of a physical presence in Dubai, SML Group aims to further enhance its services and provide exceptional value to its customers.

Lau added, “Our new Dubai location is a natural progression based on the accomplishments we have already achieved in the region. We are dedicated to serving our customers and are optimistic about the value and impact we can bring to them in the future.”

For more information or to explore collaboration opportunities with SML Group in Dubai, please contact

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