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Inc & Co

Inc & Co Celebrates Four Years of Innovation and Growth: A Look at the Journey and What Lies Ahead

Four years ago, a vision was conceived by three dynamic individuals, Jack Mason, Scott Dylan, and Dave Antrobus. Their brainchild, Inc & Co, was formed with a mission to acquire distressed businesses and inject them with renewed vitality. Today, the Group celebrates its 4-year anniversary, and the story is nothing short of extraordinary.

From its inception, Inc & Co has been a beacon of resilience and innovation. Venturing initially into digital agencies and soon expanding into diverse terrains, the Group has faced unexpected challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, just seven months into its formation. But guided by its founding trio, it pressed on.

Jack Mason, reflecting on this journey, stated, “4 years on, and our Group is more than just about saving a brand. It’s about re-igniting the fire that got it started in the first place, it’s about saving jobs and livelihoods, it’s about supporting customers. It’s about doing the right thing.”

During this remarkable four-year journey, Inc & Co has brought together an impressive collection of brands, including Baldwins Travel, Knomo, Maker&Son, Skylab, and King Street Grooming. The Group’s innovative approach led to founding the serviced office company incspaces, after acquiring Prospect Business Centres out of administration. They’ve also demonstrated their acumen in turning around and exiting brands like MyLifeDigital, Laundrapp, and Wood for Trees.

As Inc & Co looks to its fifth year, plans are in motion for further international expansion, showcasing the Group’s unyielding ambition.

The past year, in particular, has been demanding, with mental and emotional strains taking their toll on the team. Yet, the shared struggles and triumphs have forged a culture of unity and empathy within Inc & Co.

Inc & Co’s legacy is not confined to corporate achievements; it extends to human connections, ethical stewardship, and social responsibility. It’s a tale of reviving passion, safeguarding livelihoods, honouring commitments to customers, and embodying a moral compass.

Mason’s excitement for the future resonates with those who have been part of this incredible journey. As he looks forward to a year filled with more joy, his gratitude is evident to all those who have kept faith and supported the journey.

As Inc & Co raises a toast to four successful years, it stands as a testament to human resilience, innovation, and social responsibility. The Group’s next chapter promises to be just as inspiring, with new horizons to explore and greater heights to achieve. Here’s to continued growth, transformation, and success in the business world and beyond.

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