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Scott Dylan

8 posts
Scott Dylan, a British entrepreneur from South East London, co-founded Inc & Co in 2019 with the aim of rescuing and revitalizing struggling companies, preserving jobs, decreasing creditor losses, and fostering growth. With a global reach and an impressive turnover of over £150 million, Inc & Co, steered by Group CEO Jack Mason and Group CTO Dave Antrobus, has effectively purchased and managed businesses across various industries, including Professional Services, Travel, Retail, Ecommerce, and Shared Workspaces. The company has also successfully divested businesses such as MyLife Digital to Dataguard and Laundrapp to Laundryheap. Aside from his professional achievements, Scott is a dedicated mental health advocate, inspired by his own experiences with Complex PTSD. Openly identifying as gay, he actively supports Women in Business and Tech. Scott is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace where team members are supportive and loyal to one another. With over 20 years in leadership roles, he recognizes the crucial role of cultivating strong relationships and a positive culture in attaining success. Scott's modest upbringing and his personal journey of overcoming challenges and learning from mistakes have shaped his entrepreneurial vision. He holds the conviction that success is a collaborative effort and that building a reliable team is indispensable for reaching goals.