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BridgeHead Software Receives Cyber Essentials Plus Certification for High Cybersecurity Standards

BridgeHead Software, a leading healthcare data management company, has been awarded the Cyber Essentials Plus certification, recognizing its commitment to high cybersecurity standards.

The certification process for Cyber Essentials Plus involves a thorough technical audit of an organization’s systems to ensure that the necessary Cyber Essentials controls are in place. BridgeHead has successfully met all the certification criteria set by the IASME (The Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises) Consortium, the independent certifying body responsible for delivering the Government’s National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber Essentials scheme.

In the face of significant security challenges in the healthcare sector, cyberattacks can pose a serious threat to operations within the NHS and cause severe disruptions to services. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain secure systems, protect sensitive patient and clinical information, and respond swiftly in the event of an attack. BridgeHead’s clinical data repository, HealthStore®, and RAPid™ Data Protection solutions demonstrate robust cybersecurity standards, ensuring that customer data is safeguarded and recoverable in the event of a cyberattack, such as malware or ransomware.

This latest certification adds to BridgeHead’s existing credentials, including the previous Cyber Essentials certification, which provides healthcare organizations with the assurance that BridgeHead has implemented advanced security measures. Additionally, BridgeHead complies with DCB0129 for clinical risk management and has achieved accreditation for ISO 27001 (the international standard for establishing, implementing, and managing an information security management system) and ISO 9001 (the globally recognized quality management system standard).

Crispin Jewitt, Vice President Development, stated, “Obtaining Cyber Essentials Plus certification is a testament to our people, our company’s specialized expertise, and our commitment to top-class cybersecurity practices. Healthcare organizations can now have additional peace of mind, knowing that BridgeHead takes cybersecurity extremely seriously and adheres to stringent and comprehensive standards required to serve the healthcare industry.”

Jim Beagle, President and CEO of BridgeHead Software, commented, “Cyber Essentials Plus certification is the gold standard, demonstrating to NHS organizations that our solutions are trustworthy and secure. We are thrilled to receive this formal accreditation that recognizes our strong track record in cybersecurity. BridgeHead remains dedicated to helping protect the NHS and private healthcare organizations from sophisticated and ever-evolving security threats. We will continue to develop innovative solutions to safeguard healthcare data and enhance the cyber resilience of healthcare organizations worldwide.”

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