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‘Wokingham’s Got Talent’ Showcases Local Talent and Raises Funds for ‘Wokingham in Need’ Charity

Get ready to be amazed by the incredible talent of Wokingham’s local community at the highly anticipated talent show, ‘Wokingham’s Got Talent.’ Taking place on 29th July 2023 at Peach Place in Wokingham, Berkshire, this event is set to be a memorable experience for all attendees while supporting the admirable cause of ‘Wokingham in Need’ charity.

‘Wokingham’s Got Talent’ promises an extraordinary showcase of diverse performances, including singing, dancing, magic, comedy, and many more captivating acts. From talented individuals to unique group performances, the talent on display will leave audiences enthralled and entertained.

One of the key goals of this talent show is to raise funds for ‘Wokingham in Need’, a remarkable local charity dedicated to assisting those in need within our community. The selfless volunteers of ‘Wokingham in Need’ tirelessly work towards providing essential support and resources to various individuals and groups, including the homeless, primary school children, those affected by dementia, and care homes.

By attending ‘Wokingham’s Got Talent,’ you have the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to ‘Wokingham in Need’ and their ongoing efforts to support and uplift those facing challenging circumstances. Every ticket purchase and donation will directly benefit the charity’s initiatives and help make a positive difference in the lives of those in need.

This talent show would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors and partners, who share our commitment to enhancing the welfare of our community. Their involvement underscores their dedication to creating a compassionate and thriving environment in Wokingham.

We invite everyone in the Wokingham area to come together, celebrate local talent, and show their support for ‘Wokingham in Need’ by attending ‘Wokingham’s Got Talent.’ Join us for an afternoon filled with entertainment, inspiration, and a true sense of community spirit.

Event Details: Date: 29th July 2023 Time: 12pm Venue: Peach Place, Wokingham RG40 1AX

For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit our website at or contact us at

Let’s unite in celebration of talent and compassion, making a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most in Wokingham.

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