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T4Trade: Account Types and Spreads

T4Trade provides the support and tools needed to help traders develop their trading skills and unlock their potential. Users can take full advantage of the platform’s innovative products and excellent trading conditions, including a range of accounts and flexible spreads across a variety of different assets. This article will explore the different account types and spreads available on the T4Trade platform.

T4Trade offers a range of different account types to cater to the unique trading requirements of each trader. Users can compare and contrast between the platform’s Cent, Privilege, Premium and Standard accounts to find the right fit for them.

The T4Trade platform enables users to access more than 300 underlying instruments spread across six asset classes with some of the most competitive conditions. Providing different accounts with different conditions and spreads so that users can select the right one for them based on their individual trading needs and goals, T4Trade enables users to access CFDs on commodities, forex, indices, futures, shares and metals. To identify the right account for them, users need to weigh up several different factors, including their initial investment size, their risk tolerance and the amount of time they have available to spend trading each day.

For inexperienced traders who have just ventured into the forex markets, it is vital to choose the right type of account suited to their knowledge, skills and experience. T4Trade accounts have zero commissions and instant execution, with trading lots starting at 0.01 for all account types.

There are two different types of spreads: floating and fixed. Floating spreads are flexible, fluctuating depending on market volatility. On the other hand, fixed spreads are predetermined, and they are not affected by market conditions.

T4Trade’s Live accounts can be separated into floating and fixed depending on the spread. Similar to the Live account, Cent accounts are denominated in cents rather than dollars, i.e. where the trader deposits $100, this is converted and added to the Cent account as 10,000 cents, making it an appropriate choice for the beginner trader just getting started.

T4Trade’s Standard, Premium and Privilege accounts all offer up to 1:1000 flexible leverage; base currency in USD, GBP or EUR; and a minimum lot size of 0.01. In addition, Standard, Premium and Privilege accounts are all commission free. The difference between them lies in their spread, with T4Trade’s Standard account offering a 1.8 average spread, the Premium account offering a 1.6 average spread, and the Privilege account offering a 1.1 average spread.

Disclaimer: This material is for general informational & educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice or an investment recommendation. T4Trade is not responsible for any data provided by third parties referenced or hyperlinked in this communication.

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