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Aston Villa Announces Trade Nation as Official Sleeve and Trading Partner

Aston Villa is delighted to unveil Trade Nation as the Club’s Official Sleeve and Trading Partner through a multi-year agreement.

Under this partnership, Trade Nation will provide support to both the men’s and women’s senior teams, with their logo prominently displayed on the sleeve of all first team shirts and adult retail shirts.

Expressing enthusiasm for the collaboration, an Aston Villa spokesperson stated, “We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Trade Nation, a company that shares our ambition and drive for success. This partnership comes at a crucial moment for both parties as we enter an exciting period of growth, with the Club’s return to European competitions. We look forward to achieving great success together in the seasons to come.”

Emma Stacey, Chief Marketing Officer at Trade Nation, commented, “Our partnership with Aston Villa is a significant milestone in our growth plan, allowing us to expand awareness of our online trading platform and build our brand through the power of football. Aston Villa has a storied history of success, and we are delighted to work with the Club during this exciting phase for both organisations.”

Stuart Lane, Chief Executive Officer at Trade Nation, added, “Collaborating with Aston Villa is a momentous occasion for Trade Nation. By aligning ourselves with Villa, a club that shares our values of respect, ingenuity, and excellence, we reaffirm our commitment to providing outstanding trading solutions to a broader audience.”

Pan Sports, which brokered the partnership deal, was equally excited about the collaboration. Sean Ryan, Founder and CEO of Pan Sports, shared, “Working and collaborating with a dedicated and reputable partner like Trade Nation is always thrilling. After a successful experience last year in the English Premier League, we decided that Aston Villa FC, with their bright future, would be the ideal way for Trade Nation to engage weekly with millions of football fans and become an integral part of their lives. Pan Sports is delighted to be a part of this new journey.”

Trade Nation is an award-winning online trading platform that offers fast and reliable services to customers worldwide. The company is committed to establishing a meaningful partnership while also giving back to fans.

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