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Enhancing Safety for Individuals with Dementia: MedicAlert Introduces Innovative Safe and Found Programme

In an effort to address the safety concerns of individuals living with dementia and cognitive impairments, MedicAlert has launched the groundbreaking Safe and Found programme.

With a staggering 944,000 people currently living with dementia in the UK, approximately 40,000 individuals are reported missing each year. The Safe and Found programme aims to provide an invaluable solution by aiding the police in their search efforts and ensuring the safe return of those reported missing to their families.

The programme offers a complimentary first-year MedicAlert membership, made possible through sponsorship from The McLay Dementia Trust and matched funding by MedicAlert. It is designed to empower individuals with dementia, enabling them to feel safer, enjoy greater independence, and lead more fulfilling lives, while providing unparalleled peace of mind to both them and their caregivers.

The Safe and Found programme is now accessible nationwide, allowing individuals with dementia to securely store their digital Herbert Protocol for quick access by emergency services. The Herbert Protocol, widely used by police forces across the country, is a comprehensive document that can be completed by members or their caregivers. It includes crucial information, such as recent photographs, significant places, routines and habits, connections, medical details, and more, all of which greatly assist in locating missing individuals.

The efficacy of the Herbert Protocol in reducing search time and enhancing the likelihood of finding individuals safe and well has been proven. MedicAlert expedites this process by ensuring emergency services have swift access to this vital information precisely when it is needed the most.

MedicAlert, in collaboration with The McLay Dementia Trust, will be offering free first-year MedicAlert membership to over 800 individuals living with dementia in the UK.

Kirsten Giles, CEO of MedicAlert, expressed their dedication to prioritizing dementia and their pride in working alongside the Police and The McLay Dementia Trust. These partnerships guarantee individuals with dementia the opportunity to feel safer, remain active, engage socially, and lead fulfilling lives. MedicAlert is committed to being by their side wherever they go.

Furthermore, MedicAlert has introduced the Carer ID and Emergency Care Plans storage feature to support caregivers. This ensures that appropriate and uninterrupted care is provided to their loved ones in the event of a caregiver experiencing an accident.

To learn more about the Safe and Found programme and apply for membership under The McLay Dementia Trust grant, please visit:

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