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Next Health Expands Globally, Signing Inaugural Franchise Agreement in the UAE

Next Health, a revolutionary provider of accessible and personalised preventative health optimisation, is thrilled to announce its groundbreaking multi-unit Area Development Agreement for the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This agreement marks the official launch of Next Health’s highly anticipated global expansion plan, featuring both domestic and international franchising and master franchising opportunities.

In response to the ever-growing demand for personalised healthcare solutions, Next Health offers exclusive health-optimisation and longevity treatments in a convenient one-stop retail setting. Previously reserved for the privileged few, these services are now available to everyday individuals, empowering them to lead healthier and longer lives within an aesthetically pleasing environment. With state-of-the-art wellness tools, including advanced medical services like stem cells and ozone therapy, a comprehensive menu of aesthetics, and cutting-edge health treatments and technology such as biomarker testing and NAD+, Next Health is at the forefront of the industry.

Next Health’s expansion plan aims to make its innovative services accessible to markets across the United States and around the globe. The first step in this journey is the signing of a multi-unit development deal with SAAS Healthcare Investment, a subsidiary of SAAS Holdings. Led by visionary development group leader Ahmed Bin Mohammad Al Qassimi, SAAS Healthcare will open the flagship Next Health location in Dubai’s Business Bay within the SAAS Tower next year. This groundbreaking facility will be the first of its kind in the market, followed by two additional locations in the UAE.

Supported by Next Health’s experienced team and proven business model, SAAS Healthcare and other franchising groups will receive full assistance in scaling their operations and providing transformative services to all.

Scott Svilich, COO of Next Health and a franchise scaling expert from Xponential Fitness, the largest global franchisor of boutique fitness brands, expressed his excitement about this significant milestone. He stated, “Next Health’s franchising opportunity sets itself apart from any other in the industry by combining all elements of health optimisation into one exceptional business with outstanding unit economics. We are actively seeking partnerships with wellness-minded entrepreneurs who share our passion for revolutionising healthcare. Our collaboration with SAAS Healthcare perfectly aligns with our mission, and we eagerly anticipate serving the vast UAE market together for years to come.”

This landmark agreement aligns with the UAE National Innovation Strategy and represents Next Health’s commitment to introducing industry-disrupting innovations in healthcare and wellness technology. The ultimate goal is to enhance the health and lifestyle of both UAE nationals and residents.

Ahmed, the representative from SAAS, emphasised their dedication to promoting healthy lifestyles for the future. He stated, “At SAAS, we are committed to investing in our customers’ long-term health. We believe in creating vibrant living communities and ensuring that Next Health’s services are accessible to everyone. The health and wellness of our customers are our top priorities. We explored other franchising opportunities in the same industry, but Next Health stood out with its comprehensive offerings and industry-leading team. We are confident in our choice to join forces and move forward together.”

Next Health has already established its presence in key locations such as Los Angeles, New York, and Maui, serving as the premier name in the health optimisation industry. Trusted by celebrities and professional athletes alike, Next Health providers work closely with patients to optimise their health through a data-driven approach. By establishing a baseline of their current health, creating a personalised treatment and longevity plan, and utilising Next Health’s proprietary software to track biomarkers, progress, and long-term wellness, patients receive an unparalleled level of care.

Franchising opportunities are now available with Next Health in major markets across the United States and overseas. Join Next Health’s mission to empower individuals to achieve optimal vitality and longevity through a personalised and data-driven approach to healthcare. For more information, please visit Next Health Franchise or email

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